that is my point, when you say " there is no virus" , most will not believe you.
and, i would rather hack at the branches , at least i am making progress.
you guys have a 15 pound ax, yet you can't hit the trunk, you just swing and miss, because most dismiss what you say.
wish you guys would stop with the " virus is fake " nonsense, it makes it so much harder for those of us who are trying to spread the truth of the overblown numbers and death counts.
this " there is no virus " nonsense turns folks off to the reality of the virus and fake numbers.
hey, coach kirby asked the ga. health dept. if they can keep covid tests results confidential .
they agreed. so while other schools are reporting publicly , over here at uga, silence.
i thought you said paid protesters were a conspiracy theory.
anyway, the " health experts" tell us to stay 6 feet apart.
massive protests have been going on for a month, folks packed together on tight streets, then a virus uptick, but one has nothing to with the other.
i have not been either.
when i first came to Christ in 1999, i read the Bible all the way through multiple times before i ever sat under someone's teaching.
i just did not ever let myself get into delusional thinking that i never sin.
ah, here we are- all " real" Christians are just like you. so, not like you= not real.
i stand by what i said- you are your own standard.
and that is bearing witness of yourself. so, not valid. or true.
because they don" t think they exist.
pedophiles and human trafficing? nah, let's pretend that does not happen, and even if it does, it's rare and random.,,