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  1. G

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    i would rather live in a disturbed world than to pretend that the mainstream media and massive government agencies are your friends and have your best interests in mind...
  2. G

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    yes, just keep trusting the luciferian elite that most certainly have your best interests in mind...
  3. G

    The Lord Jesus and His Holy Scriptures are One (The Scripture Personified) Pt. 1 & 2

    all the kjv only crowd conveniently overlook the fact that king james was rumored to be gay.....
  4. G

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    impinj, inc is the leading manufacturers of the chip, and texas insturments and roper are the leading manufacturers in the u.s.
  5. G

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    well, since thousands of people in europe already have a microchip ( rifd ) that does basically the same things as the microsoft system we are talking about, then it is only a small, small leap to connect the two.
  6. G

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    * ahem " cryptocurrency system using body activity data" patent number " wo2020060606A1. involves microchiping people. owner of patent-microsoft. what is in the patent number-666 so, " debunk " all you want. i would rather use facts, like those above.
  7. G

    I Can't Breathe ?!

    it makes us informed by real info, not the fake news media narritive.
  8. G

    I Can't Breathe ?!

    *2019- 9 unarmed black men killed by cops. *2019- 22 unarmed white men killed by cops. who should be rioting??
  9. G

    Justified by work vs faith

    Biblical definition of believe- to be persuaded of, to think to be true, to place confidence in, so, believe means believe. words have meaning. ignoring those beliefs to push a certain theology is dishonest.
  10. G

    Justified by work vs faith

    a lot of those guys do believe that. a lot of you guys think that one has to behave your way into Heaven, which directly contradicts Jesus, who said you believe your way in.
  11. G

    Christ is God

    if someone will not give a yes or no, it is very safe to assume the answer is no.
  12. G

    Coin Shortage- on the road to a cashless society

    oh, and how does doing LESS of something does not create a shortage??? how many people pay a store in cash with exact change??? there is no coin shortage. it is another cog in the new world order machine.
  13. G

    Coin Shortage- on the road to a cashless society

    * just like we had to shelter in place for 2 weeks to flatten the curve. 149 days into that.....
  14. G

    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    ^ my aunt works at a major college in the south ( won't say which one, but the college is in the southeastern conference ), some grad students and facility had a " die in" where they lay down and pretend to die, holding signs with obits written on them. and. my aunt has a office, shares a...
  15. G


    this is about flat earth. you are a flat out troll. trolls live under the earth. whether the earth is flat or not , ( not).
  16. G

    Eternal Security - Most dangerous words ever preached: Once saved, always saved.

    thanks. did not realize the person had got kicked out.
  17. G

    Eternal Security - Most dangerous words ever preached: Once saved, always saved.

    let's go to the root- the Biblical definition of sin is - missing the mark, falling short of a standard, knowing to do good and not doing so. so, to say you do not sin you mean you always hit the mark, never fall short of a standard. always do the right thing in every situation . do you...
  18. G

    Eternal Security - Most dangerous words ever preached: Once saved, always saved.

    all the N.T. letters were written to believers. all sin. you do to. you just lie ( a sin) and say you don't.
  19. G

    Eternal Security - Most dangerous words ever preached: Once saved, always saved.

    same man, same letter, " if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father...." might want to try reading the Bible as a whole and not just plucking out verses to prop up your " i do not sin " lie....
  20. G

    Eternal Security - Most dangerous words ever preached: Once saved, always saved.

    not pompas at all. there is not one human on earth who does not sin. this includes you.