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  1. G

    Trump has tested positive for COVID-19.

    unless you have a medical grade mask, you might as well have a tissue tied to your face.....
  2. G

    BLM does not make sense

    if my church started supporting b l m , i would out....
  3. G

    Is some of the Old Testament for Israel only?

    once again, either the Sabbath is required or it is optional, up tp the individual to keep or not. it has to be one or the other. there is no such thing as an optional requirement, that does not exist.
  4. G

    Is some of the Old Testament for Israel only?

    ^ Psalm 147= v. 19, 20= "He has reveled His word to Jacob His Laws and decrees to Israel, He has done this to no other nation, they do not know His laws. now, for those of us who accept all Scripture, this is very clear and simple. now, as far as those pushing a Sabbath for salvation agenda...
  5. G

    Is some of the Old Testament for Israel only?

    that is a very reasonable point of view.
  6. G

    Is some of the Old Testament for Israel only?

    for those of you who do not normally interact with the o.p., she thinks that those of us who go to church and/or worship on sun, are actually worshiping the sun god, and real true Christians keep the Sabbath, and that the romans invented sun. worship. please do not take my word for this, just...
  7. G

    Sabbath Day

    gentiles were and are not under the Torah.
  8. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    right on what you said about what James said in Acts 15. Sabbath keeping was and is a jewish custom. and since gentiles were never commanded to keep it, neither did James. look at Psalms 147- it clearly states that the Law was given to Israel only in the last few lines of that Psalms.
  9. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    again, God did not change the Sabbath, He just commanded the Jews only to keep it. so, use your own words. don't judge gentiles who were never commanded to keep the Sabbath, that choose to honor the Lord's day, just as the early church did, long before the romans got involved with Christian...
  10. G

    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    well, i guess it's a thing of i used to like and respect you a lot, even though we disagreed on some theology in spots. but, all that is gone after the way you have been so unreasonable about this virus, parroting mainstream media and denying the mark of the beast system that is standing at...
  11. G

    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    it could also be that hospitals get $13,000 per covid patient from medicare for those who do not have health insurance . or that states get money from the federal stimulus for each covid positive test. and, if you look at the actual numbers ( which you do not like to do), you will see that...
  12. G

    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    and therein lies the issue- you give a corrupt medical system permission too much power, and allow a very liberal interpertation of what a mental health episode looks like, then boom- massive forced injections of vaccines or whatever they choose. i see what you are saying, but i am saying do...
  13. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    now, to be fair, she does claim to follow hebrew roots, but her beliefs mirror their beliefs , so there is that...
  14. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    blik follows a system called hebrew roots. part of their belief system is that sun. worship is the mark of the beast, and the true Church of Christ keeps the Sabbath. and, they also believe that those of us who meet on sun. are actually worshiping the roman sun god ( or nimrod) . so, they...
  15. G

    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    or, you could just look at all the data that masks do little to stop covid, unless you have a n95 medical grade mask..
  16. G

    Ohio Woman Tased for Not Wearing Mask

    i half way bought into it, but when it became politicized, i knew it was overblown thing. like this- yesterday, the u.s. reported almost a million test results, only about 40,000 positives, oh, and if you have not been following this, look at what is happening in australia, please do so. if...
  17. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    according to history, they met in the morning, sun. morning. and, we are just talking about jews. gentiles never commanded to keep the Sabbath. early Christians met on sun. early in the morning, just as pliny the younger wrote to the emperor.
  18. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    let's just use some common sense and Biblical knowledge - Jesus rose on sun. morning, the Sabbath ended sat. at sundown, the women went to the tomb the next morning. so, as Acts 20 tell us, the disciples " gathered to break bread on the first day of the week" it is very obvious they met on sun...
  19. G

    Not By Works

    it seems that the site is trying to mitigate some of the back and fourth arguing , with some of it getting nasty. i know this because i have been involved in many of them over the years . but, i respect that this site can run itself any way it chooses, and, out of respect for that, i have...
  20. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    did you miss the part where pliny the younger said they met " very early in the morning ". and, the weight of a actual historical document is far more than opinion based books. oh, and remember, the Gospels tell us that the women went to the tomb early in the morning.