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  1. Dino246

    Bible translation

    Jezebel has nothing to do with the RCC. She was a real person in the first century.
  2. Dino246

    King James Bible

    You could at least "study to shew thyself approved" and modify the pronoun in your quote to match your subject. Without doing so, you just make yourself look foolish.
  3. Dino246


    No thanks. I have several better translations available to me. The same could be said to those wanting the Word in their own language. I hope that would not be your response. That doesn't comport with the evidence. It is close to some of the manuscripts: those used in the preparation of the...
  4. Dino246

    Bible translation

    Yawn. Another self-righteous judge. We have no shortage of those through here. You won't last long; none of them do.
  5. Dino246


    Strong's will help you understand the meanings of words as used in the KJV. It does not necessarily help with understanding the words in modern usage. The KJV was current in 1611; it is no longer current and hasn't been for a couple of centuries. While it is still a useful translation, one must...
  6. Dino246

    Bible translation

    I can quote Scripture too. Try being relevant.
  7. Dino246

    Bible translation

    What an utterly moronic claim. Paul didn't use it. Luther didn't use it. No Christian prior to 1611 used it. Christians who don't read English don't use it. Most Christians who do read English don't use it. Only among KJVo cultists is such tripe actually believed.
  8. Dino246


    Actually, it is sound interpretation by context and has nothing to do with feminism. Yes, and this all has nothing to do with your topic. Deborah. Phoebe. Two examples are sufficient.
  9. Dino246


    The comments in one particular study Bible have nothing to do with the truth of Scripture generally.
  10. Dino246


    Your attitude is bleeding through your title. This isn't discussion at all; it's preaching. The newer translations are developed by people who consider current usage of terms and try to find the best English words to represent the concepts found in the original languages. "Partner" is a better...
  11. Dino246

    Ananias and his wife....aren't we all like that.....

    "Conspiring" has nothing to do with "vowing".
  12. Dino246

    Ananias and his wife....aren't we all like that.....

    No, lying does not require a vow to have been made at all. You are speculating that there was a vow, and your reasoning does not support your assertion. There was no vow made. Peter accused A & S of lying to the Holy Spirit because they lied to the Church about the value of the land they sold...
  13. Dino246

    Ananias and his wife....aren't we all like that.....

    In which verse did Ananias and Sapphira make the vow?
  14. Dino246

    Ananias and his wife....aren't we all like that.....

    Kindly answer my question, and I will happily answer yours.
  15. Dino246

    Enter through the narrow gate:

    Jesus was clearly distinguishing between the people of the world and the people of the kingdom. Making the distinction fall among believers is arrogant and divisive. You clearly think that you have found the narrow path and those who disagree with you on various points of doctrine have not...
  16. Dino246

    Ananias and his wife....aren't we all like that.....

    Generally I agree with your posts, but you're going way outside of Scripture here. There is no requirement to tithe for Christians, PERIOD. Your implication is clear, that Christians ARE expected to tithe, and will suffer if they disobey. Kindly make the clear distinction between voluntary...
  17. Dino246

    Ananias and his wife....aren't we all like that.....

    With respect, you did not answer my question. Where did Ananias and Sapphira make a vow? Where did they even "promise"?
  18. Dino246

    Ananias and his wife....aren't we all like that.....

    Many churches teach tithing without clarifying what they mean by the term. Some teach it knowing that it means 1/10th... and expect their members to give accordingly. There is an abundance of inadequate teaching on the subject, and a lack of careful study on the part of many Christian leaders...
  19. Dino246

    Ananias and his wife....aren't we all like that.....

    What vow? Acts 5 says nothing about a vow, or as @Nehemiah6 put it, a commitment.
  20. Dino246

    Forgiveness...being used against you

    In a sense, the other person is correct: we as Christians are called to forgive. However, we are not called to be doormats. Forgiveness is releasing judgment and consequences to God. It is foregoing vengeance, resentment, and grudges in favour of embracing Christ's forgiveness toward us. It...