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  1. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    Jesus was speaking of the Commands He gave while on earth. right before that He said " if you ask Me for anything in my name, i will do it". and then after that he said " i will ask the Father and He will send the Advocate ....." so, Jesus was not speaking of the Torah, but His commands He...
  2. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    you have established that you have no respect for God's Word, since you claim it says things it does not. Sabbath keeping has nothing to do with salvation through faith in Christ, and gentiles were never commanded to keep it.
  3. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    well, you know, it is not good to build theology around your own opinions . as i have told you multiple times, God spoke to Moses in Leviticus of the " Covenant He made with the fathers of those who came out of egypt" so, it is very clear that God made a singular Covenant with a singular...
  4. G

    Today’s church’s misunderstandings

    nope. Sabbath was given to Israel at Sinai through Moses. Jesus- the Law came through Moses...
  5. G

    Who will Win

    so, here in ga. trump had a 300,000 + lead tue. night. as of today, he is down about 1500 votes. so, they have been counting ballots here for 3 days, and the vast majority of them are for 1 candidate. and, they said they would be done counting on wed. then they " found " more ballots, said...
  6. G

    Who will Win

    for once, i agree with you to point- there has been reports and videos of monkey business with the mail in ballots for weeks. trump talked about it, did nothing,'' then, when the big mess that many of us knew was going to happen actually happened , trump threw a fit. so, if he would have...
  7. G

    Who will Win

    anyway, i am moving on. this thread is about the election, not about the virus. so, 11th hour and i can fight about this elsewhere,
  8. G

    Who will Win

    the virus has been here in america since late jan. if it were as deadly and contagious as the " authorites" say, there would a million people dead, temporary hospital tents and field hospitals everywhere. but, instead, we had the c d c on mon. say that even if you were quaraintined with a...
  9. G

    Who will Win

    you asked for a source, i gave you one. and we used to be friends. when you went dr. doom about the virus, refused to receive any evidence that went against your " the virus is the black death" view, that went away.
  10. G

    Who will Win

    115.000 or so yesterday. out of 1.5 MILLION test results. all the virus pushers leave that part out. and, as far as northern italy , the population is very dense, and multiple generations of relatives live in the same home. so, the kids went out, got the virus, and the older folks who lived...
  11. G

    Who will Win

    it is a overblown hoax.
  12. G

    Who will Win

    but, in fairness, you like gov. tyranny . you refuse to criticize the gov. strong arm tactics in europe and austraila , you said the gov. of califoirina's statement that folks should wear a mask while eating in restaurants except when taking bites of food. you said " that might be a good idea...
  13. G

    Who will Win

    quarantine act- canada- s.c. 2005 c. 20 section 5, part 6- " the minister may establish a quarantine station at any place in canada". so, as usual, you think we are just making stuff up, but that is from country's gov. website. guess all your research just missed that one, huh?
  14. G

    Who will Win

    go read your quarantine act. nothing says freedom like being forced into a camp for a false positive test of a overblown, overcounted, not that deadly virus...
  15. G

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    there was evidence of mail in ballots issues weeks ago, when early voting started. he could have called a security issue, and have homeland security oversee the election. and the reason i call you all the cult of trump is just this- you refuse to criticize him for anything. if he goes on to...
  16. G

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    well, after clear evidence of mail in vote fraud, he could have put the elections under homeland security, to be clear, i want trump to win, but he did put himself in this position by non-action.
  17. G

    Who will Win

    you are a good person. i have known you a long time, we disagree about some things, but you are a solid Christian. i got your back. ( not that you need anyone to, you can take care of yourself!!}
  18. G

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    trump complained and tweeted about all the mail in ballots, but did nothing, b l m and antifa burned cities. trump did little of nothing. big tech censors , trump tweets, complains, does nothing. so, now, he is doing stuff, but, as i said, i hope it is not too little, too late. just to be...
  19. G

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    i was referring to the folks on here , not trump supporters in general.
  20. G

    Trump Outsmarts them again

    so, where is the cult of trump?? ya'll sure have been quiet. you see now why i jumped off the trump train, he has known about the ballot dumping for months, talked about it, tweeted about , did NOTHING. big tech censorship ramped up as we headed for the election, he talked about it, tweeted...