You know what else creates division? A defeated president pushing conspiracy theories that the election was stolen from him because he can't admit the fact that he lost
Maybe we should ask why America does business with countries like Saudi Arabia who finance terrorists
It's almost as if money is more important than people's lives or something
I'm not going to say he can't be in politics but I'm going to say he shouldn't because he has no concept of professional decorum and speaks like he has a 3rd grade education
Well he did try to use the courts to undermine our electoral process because he couldn't accept that he lost a legal election so yeah that's dictator like behavior
I think there are some religious denominations like Calvinism that have the same argument on free will
The argument is that free will and an omniscient God are paradoxical
Harris cites an experiment in which test objects were asked to pick between two images on a computer screen
By monitoring...
Neuroscience is a fascinating subject
Sam Harris discusses this in his book, Free Will
Harris argues that since we have no control over the electrical and chemical processes in our brains that produce thoughts, then Free Will is an illusion
Honestly I think the bigger threat is homegrown terrorist here in our own country
The ones who are being radicalized by bat poop crazy conspiracy theories from q Anon