let me give you an example- there is a story from today about ireland suspending the astrazenca vax, due to blood clots developing in people after they took it.
but, one of their chief medical officers , dr. ronan glynn, said that even though they are suspending the vax, there is " no proff"...
do you why so many people have peanut allergies?
because vaccines were grown on peanuts back in the 70's and 80's.
so, yeah, trust the government.
i wish everyone would reject the vaccine. so, by me doing so, i am doing on to others as i would have them do unto me.
if you think over half a...
it seems very likely.
by your response, i am assuming that you have not scrolled through the c d c covid section of their website and read what they actually say.
most folks probably have not.
so, they hide it in plain sight , know that probably 7 folks out of ten are not going to do their...
" deaths that are confirmed or presumed covid are coded to icd-10 code u07.1."
source- c d c website
i am not in any way grateful for fraud like this.
only CONFIRMED covid deaths should be listed as such.
so, you tout the vax as " safe and effective", then turn around and admit that vaccines cause harmful side effects.
do you have any idea how much you contradict yourself??
and now we are back to - this sudden non-sense that the human immune system has nothing to do with not contracting a virus.
i know the canadian gov. made this ridiculous statement, but then again, trudeau is on record praising the great reset and the the chinese government, so there is that...
well. since i have a strong immune system, i need neither mask or vax.
the vaccine and the virus are all about gov. control and the great reset. you have fallen for the hoax. i have not and will not.
and those of us trying to sound the call are called crazy conspiracy theorists...
even as vaccine passports are rolling out, fellow Christians are saying " no, this has nothing to do with the mark of beast, it's just to show you got your vaccine..."
when all this started up about this time last year, i heard several commentators say that people were going to embrace the lockdowns, want to close their workplace and work from home, and not want to go back.
i did not believe them, thought folks would not have those attitudes.
boy was i...
canada has over 37 million people, and right now about 30,000 active cases. so, less than 1%.
but, as usual, liberals, just like 11th hour when she was still here, want the gov. to keep everything closed and folks locked in their homes...
this is true. as a nation, we have been slowly, steadily turning away from God and the Bible for the last 30 + years, now all the non-sense you see today is a direct result of that.