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  1. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    You didn't use the word 'monopoly', but you clearly implied it:
  2. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Given that you are employing a fallacious argument, I have no need to bother with refuting it.
  3. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    No need. I only defend what Scripture says, and don’t accept what it doesn’t as doctrine.
  4. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    It isn't meaningless that Paul lists Priscilla before Aquila five times of the seven they are mentioned... Acts 18:18 Paul stayed on in Corinth for some time. Then he left the brothers and sisters and sailed for Syria, accompanied by Priscilla and Aquila. Before he sailed, he had his hair cut...
  5. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    There isn’t a single verse that prohibits a woman from being a pastor. Perhaps you should read more carefully. When you consider the ratio of bad male leaders in Scripture to good male leaders, and bad female leaders to good ones, you might change your view. There is no biblical support for the...
  6. Dino246

    music choices

    Welcome to CC… Whether listening to a particular musician is ‘sinful’ depends entirely on you, not the musician. Their lyrics and lifestyle may glorify sin, but you would need to be agreeing for your listening to be sinful. The problem is that such lyrics will shape your thoughts and values…...
  7. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Here's one of your examples of a "clear logical reason": You consider the female prophet Anna to be a portent of bad things for Israel. That directly contradicts the words of Jesus where He quoted Isaiah 61:2 "to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor " and then proclaimed, "This scripture is...
  8. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    It appears to me that you're ranting, because your language is disjointed and your examples are ludicrous. They don't even begin to support your assertion. Further, if you can't make your point without implying insults, your position is flawed.
  9. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Evidence, please. ALL of it. References will be sufficient. I know the Scripture on this subject very well, and don't need to bolster my ego by insulting you.
  10. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    That's both shortsighted and insulting. God's calling on a woman has nothing to do with the spiritual maturity of the people surrounding her. Men becoming more mature will not change His calling on her, but it might indicate that she is doing her job well... which would completely undermine your...
  11. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Yes, but "firstborn male" cannot mean "firstborn female".
  12. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    "Servant" is a relatively generic term, while "deacon" is a specific term. Paul would have no reason to identify Chloe as a mere "servant" if she had no specific responsibility at Cenchrea. A modern equivalent would be "volunteer". If you were commending a fellow believer to people you knew, you...
  13. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Paul would disagree with you... Romans 16:1 I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a deacon of the church in Cenchreae. (NIV) Also, there isn't a verse in the entire Bible saying that women cannot be pastors.
  14. Dino246

    Attending church

    There are a few reasons why such behaviour may be legitimate (for a season), and many why it may not. The OP hasn't shared enough details for us to make a right judgment, so IMHO it's better not to do so.
  15. Dino246

    God gave us guidance on killer pit bulls and their owners!

    Principles, not principals.
  16. Dino246

    God gave us guidance on killer pit bulls and their owners!

    There is a massive difference between a domestic animal, especially one bred to fight, and a human being. There is no connection between the cited Scripture and the news article. Clearly, the student overreacted, and should be strongly disciplined, but killed? No way. The OP is far off base...
  17. Dino246

    Morning Coffee (or Tea) and Our Stance With God. What Temperature Are You?

    Two quick thoughts: coffee is really only good until it is just hotter than warm... then it's cold coffee. And... The Lord may speak to each of us at times regarding the state of our devotional lives, but He also knows our weaknesses and commitments. Let's not be beating ourselves up, but...
  18. Dino246

    Sad to hear Mike Heiser has died

    Thanks for sharing this. I am not surprised that he has passed... his physical decline has been evident recently. Still, it is sad.
  19. Dino246

    Saddleback Church Ousted from Southern Baptist Convention Over Female Pastor

    Paul doesn’t say that women aren’t to be teachers nor have authority over men; he says he does not allow a woman to teach nor to authentein a man. That word likely doesn’t mean ‘have authority over’.