just for ya'll who do not know- the seventh day advent church, founded by ellen white, who claimed to have been visited by and angel and told so, believes that non-Sabbath keepers are those who have taken the mark of the beast...
anyone who says that gentiles should be keeping the jewish Sabbath and /or that Sabbath keeping has anything to do with salvation should be totally disregarded.
James said to know to do good and not do so is to sin.
so, do you ALWAYS , without fail, do exactly what you know you should in every situation??
here is an example- you state that you are a caregiver for you mom, which is a wonderful thing to do.
i commend you for doing that fine thing.
it is amazing to me that " Christians " are attacking you for simply stating that no one is sinless.
some people would just rather live in a fantasy world where they do not sin, and any who tell them that they do are sent by the devil.
the devil is the father of lives.
if they have a voice...
in response to justpassingthrough-
Abraham was Not given the Torah, nor commanded to keep Shabbat.
John's Gospel - " the Law came through Moses"
it is wise to believe what Scripture says and does not say rather than go with personal opinions...
repent- greek word metanoia.
metanoia definition- regret over past actions and having a change of mind about life .
not " keep the Law to live a Christian life"
the New testament tells the Christian how to live out repentence.
the Old testament tells one how to be jewish.
you mentioned the Fruits of the Sprit.
Paul stated that " against these there is no Law."
well, Shabbat keeping was not listed as a Fruit of the Sprit.
simple fact- gentiles were and are not under the Law, and are under no command to keep the Sabbath.
if you are not jewish, then you were never commanded to keep the jewish Sabbath.
if one wants to, that is fine, but it has nothing to do with salvation through faith in Christ.
if you are telling other they have to keep it, you should stop doing so, it is not Biblically accurate.