I don't believe this is fake because I don't see what purpose it would serve to pretend to kill an Al-Qaeda leader
This type of thing happens all the time. They will level an entire city block to kill one guy.
Obama dropped more drone missiles in the Middle East than any president in US history
Another thing to consider is that sites like Facebook and YouTube create what's called filter bubbles.
Go to YouTube and look for something like flat Earth videos and then you're going to be directed to other woo videos
That's called cognitive dissonance when you are confronted with information that conflicts your view your brain wants to ignore it.
Again, everyone's brains are subject to these types of logical fallacies
I alluded to this earlier. It's called cognitive bias. You hear something that already lines up with your preconceived notions about an idea and you say okay that makes sense it must be true. Everyone does it
Yeah because when you keep saying... Yeah but what about vaccines.,.. when we're not talking about vaccines and has nothing to do with the topic we're talking about, that's the definition of trolling.