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  1. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    The war on drugs is a waste of taxpayer money anyway. Drugs are criminalized Cartels make all the money Cartels use said money to bring in more drugs It's a self-defeating idea from the start 40% of all criminal court cases in America are non violent drug crimes. This is a waste of taxpayer...
  2. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    You know who else lies to get elected? Every president ever.
  3. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    Discrepancies in police data doesn't translate to Democrats wanting more homicides. Doesn't logically follow
  4. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    You should be a yoga instructor with that stretch
  5. Dude653

    "2000 Mules" movie

    Yeah. The whole plank in your eye thing. I get that but I'm still not convinced there was any election fraud.
  6. Dude653

    Putin got it right this time

    They are entitled to that opinion. The problem is when they start cutting people's heads off for not believing in their religion Or flying planes into buildings
  7. Dude653

    AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is Satanic!!

    My brother came out as gay in his 40s but he recently told me that he knew as early as 5 years old that he was gay I don't see how we have any choice in to whom we are attractive just like you can't choose to like a food you don't like
  8. Dude653

    AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is Satanic!!

    It's called neuroscience Yeah it's basics like ology. Go around telling people that you want them to accept idea X, and anyone who doesn't accept idea x X, is evil and satanic People are going to tell you to go bleep yourself
  9. Dude653

    Putin got it right this time

    I don't know. Europe is a whole different situation because Muslim immigration has outpaced European birth rates so give it another hundred years or so and Europe is going to be Saudi Arabia minus the sand I don't think that's likely to happen in America especially since Americans are armed and...
  10. Dude653

    AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is Satanic!!

    I do not recall discussing anything about heaven or hell on this thread. Also a broken arm and a chemical addiction are both medical issues. One of course deals with the bones and the other deals with brain chemistry. The more you go around trying to demonize anything that isn't christian, the...
  11. Dude653

    "2000 Mules" movie

    There's a reason even Republican judges throughout every one of Trump's lawsuits. Imagine you told a judge I robbed the bank and expected him to prosecute me when there's no evidence that the bank was robbed in the first place?
  12. Dude653

    AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is Satanic!!

    Yes but personal anecdotes are not data and I'm pretty sure secular treatment has helped a lot of people That makes about as much sense as going to the doctor for a broken arm and then refusing treatment because the doctor isn't Christian
  13. Dude653

    Putin got it right this time

    Yeah that's happening in European countries but I don't think that would happen in america. There would probably be a civil war first
  14. Dude653

    AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is Satanic!!

    So he talked about the science behind chemical addiction which could be helpful in treating said addiction but people are mad because he didn't believe the bible?
  15. Dude653

    Putin got it right this time

    You can't stop Muslims from holding public office because again. The Constitution Maybe the schools were just trying to be inclusive of their Muslim students as well. Turns out, the entire world doesn't revolve around christianity. Publicly burning a Quran is counterproductive and will just...
  16. Dude653

    AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is Satanic!!

    I don't know anything about him except the fact I googled him and it says he's a neuroscientist
  17. Dude653

    AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) is Satanic!!

    AA is a place where people who are struggling with alcohol addiction can fellowship and encourage each other. I don't see anything satanic about that As for, "born that way" it's entirely plausible that some people are born with a genetic predisposition to addiction
  18. Dude653

    Putin got it right this time

    Yeah and he didn't try to pass any laws that favor Islam Because you know... The Constitution
  19. Dude653

    Putin got it right this time

    Gender dysphoria is a real phenomenon though. It's a neurological condition in which the person feels as if he or she is in the wrong body. How you address it is debatable but pretending it's not a real thing doesn't make it go away