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  1. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Another thing he keeps claiming it's a "kangaroo court", when what really happened was he thought he was above the law and didn't have to comply with Discovery Turns out, judges don't like it when you ignore a court order so she issued a default judgment against him. And after what he did to...
  2. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    You miss the part where he profited off of slandering and defaming these grieving families? Also he really didn't apologize because he contradicted himself in his own "apology" He said IF it really happened that I'm sorry for the families and then he went on to talk about how he still thinks...
  3. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    A broken clock is right twice a day
  4. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    You can apologize until the proverbial cows come home but apologizing doesn't allow you to escape accountability. If you punch me in the face, you can apologize but I'm still pressing charges and suing. I know accountability is kryptonite for you Alex Jones fans
  5. Dude653


    Don't cut yourself on all that edge over there. But my point still remains. I feel like a lot of Christians are actually Paulians. And before anyone straw man's me I'm not claiming that all Christians are misogynistic but a lot of people use the writings of fall to justify their misogyny
  6. Dude653

    The War on Cops

    Actually if you live within a hundred miles of the border, the police can search your house with no warrant
  7. Dude653


    The events of the Bible take place in the Middle East where even to this day women are still basically property. Personally I feel like who cares what Paul says because Paul is God and never actually met Jesus
  8. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    I know I've already said this a million times on this forum but he's a grifter who profits off of pedaling bat poop crazy conspiracy theories and false information. For him to use his platform to profit off of slander and grieving families is despicable and I hope he rots in hell. It seems some...
  9. Dude653

    Darryl Brooks representing himself

    I don't know if a judge can deny someone a right to represent himself even though it's a terribly bad idea, unless maybe if the defendant was an actual attorney he could probably pull it off I think she finally resorted to just putting him in another room and then muting his microphone until...
  10. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Also some of you need to go back to high school and take a Civics class. Slander and defamation are not covered under first amendment for the same reason terroristic threatening isn't You can be criminally prosecuted
  11. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Apparently some of you need to read your bible. Thou shalt not bear false witness. It made the top 10 list of stuff not to do
  12. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Yeah it's going to get even worse for him because he has punitive damages coming up in november. It's almost as if it's a bad idea to slander and defame people. If you can point to a clause in the Constitution where it says slander and defamation is a right feel free to do so
  13. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Defamation and slander are not a first amendment right
  14. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Everyone thinks they are woke after having read 1984. It's just confirmation bias for conspiracy nuts
  15. Dude653

    Unhinged Cop Verbally Abuses Woman

    On the subject of terrible cops, I'm three episodes into the Dahmer series on Netflix I wonder why the families didn't see the police department for derelict of duty. No telling how many lives could have been saved had the police just done their job
  16. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    He's a grifter who profits off of pedaling conspiracy theories and misinformation
  17. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Also I don't know if this is cognitive dissonance on your part or just plain intellectual dissonance there is a clear difference between just saying mean things and defaming someone I know I've already said this 15 billion times but if someone can prove in court that you lie and that your lies...
  18. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Yes because perjury is a criminal offense and he was caught perjuring himself multiple times
  19. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Oh..... Also he should have been prosecuted for perjury
  20. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    And yes he should have been criminally prosecuted for claiming that his vitamins supplements treat covid