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  1. Dude653

    What do you think of the Mormons

    The South Park episode about the Mormons was pretty funny
  2. Dude653


    Nah.... These respiratory pandemics pop up once every decade or so. That's just the nature of human biology
  3. Dude653

    If the Earth were flat---

    The easiest way to know the Earth isn't flat is to look at a lunar eclipse. A flat Earth would cast a flat shadow on the moon. It doesn't
  4. Dude653

    If the Earth were flat---

    Since gravity pulls everything towards the center of the earth, on a flat earth, gravity would pull everything sideways Flat earthers try to get around this one by claiming gravity isn't a real thing
  5. Dude653


    The odds of a planet being able to sustain life are somewhere around one in a trillion. With a septillion planets just in our observable universe, it's a mathematical probability that life is out there somewhere. The problem is going to be distance. You couldn't live long enough to travel that...
  6. Dude653

    What do you think of the Mormons They didn't start letting African Americans join their church until like the sixties I think
  7. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Nope. If you can prove in court that someone deliberately lied and those lies caused damages then you have a case for defamation. I don't know why everyone keeps saying Free speech because you don't have a constitutional right slander and defame people He brought this on himself.
  8. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Even though George Floyd was a career criminal I still wonder how four officers can't subdue one unarmed guy without killing him It seems like they had no idea what they were doing
  9. Dude653

    The Civil War begins

    Yeah I don't think a civil war is going to happen over this
  10. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    I'm not a fan of Kanye because I think he's a pompous windbag but they won't win this lawsuit There are people on the left who should be held accountable too like Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson should have sued the New York times for implicating them in a mosque shooting For the way the Southern...
  11. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    There are specific conditions that have to be met legally for a defamation lawsuit and I don't think the Kanye lawsuit will fit that you have to move the person is lying and not just stating an opinion. It was proven in court that Alex Jones died when he said no one died at Sandy Hook or uvalde...
  12. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    I don't know why we keep having to cover this same ground but you have a constitutional right to say mean things to people. You don't have a constitutional right to slander and defame people
  13. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Meh.... This side of the forum that poop crazy conspiracy stuff so it's fair game.... Also talking about Free speech but saying I can't comment on someone else's post.
  14. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    Yeah we've been over this. You don't have a constitutional right to slander and defame people There laws against defamation and you will be held accountable. By 2070 Christianity is projected to be the minority in america. There's a reason for this. America has had enough of the hypocrisy from...
  15. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    He used his platform to slander and defame grieving families and profited while doing so. Restitutions are owed. But you have more empathy for the perpetrator than the victims
  16. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    You know that old saying (Exploitive) around and find out? Well it turns out, the level at which you (expletive) around, is directly proportionate to the level you find out I hope this lesson has been helpful to you Alan Jones fans. He brought this on himself. No sympathy
  17. Dude653

    Alex Jones lays the smack down

    I don't have any sympathy for him. I hope they see him down to his last pair of underwear for what he did to these families
  18. Dude653


    Not when Paul says he is specifically stating his own personal opinion
  19. Dude653


    The early stages of christianity, they met in people's homes and multiple people would speak. So the idea of one preacher having authority over an entire church is not biblical either. Like when the preacher says God said we're going on a corporate fast. Well have fun with that because God...