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  1. Dude653

    Why most marriages won’t work?

    Not really. Some people's personalities just clash With my late wife, she would just talk over me until I give up and then complain that there's no communication
  2. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    Well as I already mentioned, if the majority of Christians stopped voting, Republicans would never win another election
  3. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    They are a cult who destroys families Just ask anyone who has left the church willingly or has been disfellowshipped. Their families never speak to them again. Nothing about that sounds Godly to me
  4. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    So does that mean we get the charge Trump with treason for trying to incite and insurrection?
  5. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Stop wasting money putting people in prison for harmless drugs like weed and put that money towards border security Just a suggestion
  6. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    Yeah do that and vote also if you want someone in office that represents your interest. Jehovah's witnesses don't vote because they believe they're not supposed to get involved in politics but the problem with that ideology is that if the majority of Christians stopped voting, Republicans would...
  7. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Meh... Drugs are always going to be a problem regardless of who's in the White House
  8. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    Out of curiosity I did a quick Google search and there are approximately 210 million Christians in America and there are approximately 30 million of them who aren't registered or don't vote that comes to about 76% of them are voting There are some denominations like Jehovah's witnesses who...
  9. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Imagine Jesus would probably tell me to not spread fake conspiracy theories
  10. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Well he's currently under investigation for identity theft. Releasing the names of voter information. Remember when he held a press conference saying he was going to show evidence for election fraud and didn't show any evidence?
  11. Dude653

    The plan to destroy America

    The officer was doing his job trying to protect the Capitol building from a violent mob. What happened to the whole back the blue thing?
  12. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Except for the fact that evidence for any election fraud has yet to be presented. Maybe stop listening to people like them my pillow guy
  13. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power

    Well I've already covered this but if people think their own government would murder $3,000 Americans then maybe they should go over there to a Muslim country and live with them. Find out how Christians are treated over there. I'll take my chances here in america. They would probably chop my...
  14. Dude653


    Nope. It pointed to Islam. Muslims flew planes into buildings
  15. Dude653

    Clyburn "US will Repeat Nazi Germany if Republicans Get Power The termite thing has been debunked. There was no thermite found at the site The explosions heard was jet fuel igniting in the elevator shafts Burns on...
  16. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    You might want to Google the definition of treason. Treason is giving aid to an enemy in wartime. And yes illegally occupying a government building in an attempt to interfere with a legal process is sedition
  17. Dude653

    USA is Greatest Country in the World!!!!!!!!!!

    Proud boys are under investigation for sedition in their role in January 6th. Also for a group that sold loudly protests lgbt, their name sounds super gay