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  1. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    Why would I bother reading everything you’ve written when this is the first thing you’ve written with integrity? But I digress; I’m a white guy who’s racist against black people for defending the fact that justice is historically unfair to the black community. Yeah that makes a lot of sense...
  2. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    Not sure where you’re getting your numbers from regarding this case. The 12 jury members, plus four alternates, included seven black members, five nonblack people of color and four white members; 12 members of the entire pool were women, and the other four were men.
  3. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    She was charged with murder rather than manslaughter which I actually disagree with on the surface of things. However being that this was her second shooting incident in four years on the job and that she pulled the trigger so easily rather than stepping out of the apartment and calling for back...
  4. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    Wow! You’re sick, man. I have no idea where you’re coming up with this crap. I stated earlier and I’ll reiterate, you’re extremely defensive for some reason. Reality is not your friend as it pertains to injustices against poor people, specifically poor black people. If you refuse to accept that...
  5. Lightskin

    Being Humble Before the Almighty

    Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.
  6. Lightskin


    The latter.
  7. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    Does anybody truly believe that if a black man shot and killed an unarmed white woman sitting in her home that the black man in Texas would only get 10 years with possible parole after five years? With sincere love and respect, if you truly believe that, you’re extremely naïve.
  8. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    History speaks for itself, and so will future events. Sadly, Justice is not blind.
  9. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    You’re preaching against self righteousness while treading the waters yourself. There’s nothing wrong with speaking out against an egregious act, followed by law-enforcement putting the focus on the deceased having marijuana in his home, followed by a light sentence for a murder conviction. Mark...
  10. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    You’re pretty defensive for someone who’s not making any excuses. Carry on
  11. Lightskin

    What do you mean when you say, "The Bible is the Word of God"?

    You have such great wisdom and discernment, my friend, and yet I yearn to meet a mute woman. 😆
  12. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    Read Matthew 11:28-30 and embrace the full scale power, authority, tenderness, love and desire of Jesus for you. ❤️
  13. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    God’s love and grace is so far removed from our sinfulness that for some it is difficult to comprehend its very magnitude. All the more reason to place one’s hope and faith in God.
  14. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    If this was to be done it should have been done in the judge’s chambers.
  15. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    You’re making excuses for a cop who was involved in two shootings in just four years. Little Miss Amber has an itchy trigger finger.
  16. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    Well said. I’ll check out the podcast tomorrow.
  17. Lightskin

    Not By Works

    It’s raining. A neighbor who I don’t know nor do I know which apartment he lives in left a car window open. I minded my own business and walked away rather than checking to see if I could roll up the window, lest someone see me and think I was breaking into his car. Did I sin?
  18. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    There’s institutional racism. Less than it used to be but it still exists to some extent.
  19. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    In the thread? I don’t see one iota.
  20. Lightskin

    Racism In The Headlines

    If someone of sound mind deems a miscarriage of justice has taken place, that is prevailing reason to be outraged. I don’t see this case as white privilege, but rather as cute white blonde police officer privilege. I was surprised she was found guilty of murder and then sentenced to only 10...