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  1. Ahwatukee

    The false end time "7 year tribulation" doctrine

    Though there is symbolism in the book of Revelation, but not all information should be interpreted as such. The correct way to read Revelation is that, if the plain literal sense makes good sense, then don't seek any other sense. One of the major problems that expositors make, is that they...
  2. Ahwatukee

    Which Delivered Us from the Wrath to Come. (1Th 1:10)

    The following, as well as other prophesies, has yet to be fulfilled in regards to Israel: Seventy weekse are decreed for your people and your holy city to stop their transgression, to put an end to sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision...
  3. Ahwatukee

    The false end time "7 year tribulation" doctrine

    Totally agree! With the scriptural information that we have, it is ridiculous to even entertain the idea of the great tribulation having already taken place.
  4. Ahwatukee

    The false end time "7 year tribulation" doctrine

    Well then they are in error, because their information does not match scripture. Any so-called scholar that claims that the great tribulation period has already taken place, doesn't know what he is talking about. All of these events are quickly approaching and will take place during the time of...
  5. Ahwatukee

    The false end time "7 year tribulation" doctrine

    No! Revelation 7:14 is not referring to the entire church age! You and others need to stop coming in here with partial scriptural information! Jesus identified the great tribulation as beginning when the abomination is set up in the holy place. "So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the...
  6. Ahwatukee

    The false end time "7 year tribulation" doctrine

    The above is false right out of the gate! Those mentioned above who wash their robes and making them white in the blood of the Lamb, are those great tribulation saints who will have died keeping their testimony of Jesus and the word of God and who will have not worshiped the beast, his image...
  7. Ahwatukee

    Which Delivered Us from the Wrath to Come. (1Th 1:10)

    The great tribulation will affect every person on the earth and not just Israel. The warning to those who are in Judea to flee to the mountains, is in reference to the abomination that will be set up by the antichrist, which causes Israel to flee. The abomination being set up is what kicks off...
  8. Ahwatukee

    Animals in Heaven

    Yep! I don't know exactly in what order all of the pre-millennial events will take place, but I know the following order: * The wedding of the Lamb and the wedding feast takes place in heaven and during the tribulation * The Lord descends to the earth and His bride/church follows behind him...
  9. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    Hello Sackcloth! Regarding this issue of salvation by God's Sovereign will vs. man's will, it is unfortunate that this does not sit well with many and rebel against it. One of the main reasons is because they do not understand the underlying principle, which is that everyone, including the...
  10. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    You can't be a Calvinist, if you have never read anything that he wrote and therefore can't be deceived by it. Everything that I have posted comes from scripture, not from the writings of men. It is by your assumption that you assigned that to me.
  11. Ahwatukee

    Animals in Heaven

    Hello Diakonos! Your claim that the white horses are mounted after is not true. Here is the scripture in question: "The armies of heaven, dressed in fine linen, white and pure, follow Him on white horses. And from His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations, and He...
  12. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    No, not everyone can do that and mean it. Only those who were predestined to believe and be saved. Salvation is not a free-for-all, but is by God's Sovereign choice, said choice taking place before the world began.
  13. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    If you confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, then you will be saved. (Romans 10:9)
  14. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    Hello Jay3009, Blain and anyone else who believes that salvation is under the control of mankind. The following is from '' which agrees with what I believe and teach: ============================================================================ Question: "Is it possible for a...
  15. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    We didn't highjack it. The original poster should be able to learn from what He is reading in these posts and search it out for himself. Just as with any Biblical subject, it is important that the truth of this matter be contended for. And that truth is that salvation is not in the hands of men...
  16. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    I have already presented the truth regarding God's Sovereign choice and election, providing the scriptures to support this. Therefore, it on you to agree or disagree with God's word. It is by God's Sovereign choosing that people are saved. And if you don't think that God has the right to...
  17. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    By the way, if you were not one whom God chose before the world began, you wouldn't be drawn by God the Father and nether would you care. Do you see all of those people out in the world who continue to reject Christ? It is because their names were not written in the book of life before the world...
  18. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    Yes, because you would have been worthy of death in the first place because of your sin. As I said, no one is entitled to salvation. God would be just if He allowed all of mankind to perish under His judgment. But God in His love, mercy and grace, saved some throughout all of history which He...
  19. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    "Us" would also infer that there are those who are not the children of adoption, which is referring to those who were not foreknown and predestined throughout all of history by God. Before the world even began the names of the saved were written His book. Through each generation those whom God...
  20. Ahwatukee

    Does salvation come through Gods pre destined election or the free will of man?

    Hi John146! what he has said is true regarding the matter: "All who dwell on the earth will worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain." "The beast that you saw was, and is not, and is about to come...