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  1. Dude653

    The State of the World Today! Is it the Endtimes??????

    I don't think this is a sign because these cows were specifically bred by a rancher to have that red tint So it's like ordering a medium rare steak and then thinking a prophecy has been fulfilled when the waitress brings you the steak you ordered
  2. Dude653

    Parents: your children have been targeted for DESTRUCTION

    It's really just secular humanism but legally the satanic temple is recognized as a religion. That's how they got 501c3 status
  3. Dude653

    Parents: your children have been targeted for DESTRUCTION

    . Yes you are correct. They sued because the school was allowing one religious group to have an after school club and was not allowing them to have there after school club. If they are going to accommodate one religion, they have to accommodate all of them This is why I believe it's best to just...
  4. Dude653

    covid -19 vaccine effectiveness according to W.H.O.

    I'm getting my number from CDC data but everyone here is going to say CDC is lying so I guess it's moved but approximately 5 billion people have had at least one dose of the vaccine and there have been around 3 million reported deaths so that means the odds of the vaccine killing you are...
  5. Dude653

    covid -19 vaccine effectiveness according to W.H.O.

    MNRA vaccine technology is decades old It's not experimental
  6. Dude653

    covid -19 vaccine effectiveness according to W.H.O.

    . Correct. They think anecdotes are data. Unfortunately every vaccine ever has had a few casualties because that's just the nature of human biology
  7. Dude653

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    You need to get over yourself. You said my opinion doesn't matter because I'm "lost" That's an ad hominem It also has nothing to do with my making a medical decision for my own reasons
  8. Dude653

    covid -19 vaccine effectiveness according to W.H.O.

    Most people on this forum are anti-x but the numbers don't support their arguments. The majority of the world's population has had at least one dose so if the vaccine is as deadly as they claim, you would expect to see a lot more casualties The odds of the vaccine killing you are actually...
  9. Dude653

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    That was another ad hominem. But that's all you do on this forum is take passive aggressive shots at me without ever actually offering anything relevant to the conversation Stop acting 5 years old and actually contribute something to the conversation
  10. Dude653

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    He blocked me like a coward after I called him for straw Manning my argument and then add homonym I never said the only reason I took the vaccine was so I don't give it to my mother, but that's reason enough I also took it because I'm not trying to die either He is intellectually dishonest and a...
  11. Dude653

    Survey Poll: Will you take the Covid 19 Vaccine

    I know right how dare I have a different opinion about something.
  12. Dude653

    Boston Lab Creates Deadlier Version of Covid

    Gay frogs are controlling the weather
  13. Dude653

    Parents: your children have been targeted for DESTRUCTION

    If my child can't bring a peanut butter sandwich to school because someone might have a peanut allergy then why should your child be allowed to bring a preventable disease to school?
  14. Dude653

    Christians response to gay marriage?

    I completely get what you're saying but what about a kid who's dealing with gender dysphoria. And is afraid to talk to his or her parents about it The guidance counselor could call the parents to say hey let's get together and sit down and talk about this You never know, it may actually stop a...
  15. Dude653

    Christians response to gay marriage?

    Nobody is doing that. Nobody says to their child "know what, I think you should be gay"
  16. Dude653

    Christians response to gay marriage?

    The Constitution doesn't specifically say separation of church and state. What it says is that Congress can't pass laws that favor any one religion or that discriminate against any one religion. We can play pedantic word games but that's essentially the same thing
  17. Dude653

    Christians response to gay marriage?

    They think people are going to magically turn gay because they saw a gay person
  18. Dude653

    A Christian Response to Gun Confiscation

    That was a typo I meant I don't want guns to disappear
  19. Dude653

    Christians response to gay marriage?

    American Christians..."I think everyone should be Christian ' People.."what if I don't want to be" American Christians "stop persecuting me"
  20. Dude653

    Christians response to gay marriage?

    Nah... No one is forcing churches to do anything