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  1. homwardbound

    lets have a better day

  2. homwardbound

    forgiven at the cross, is it final fro us or not?

    All responses welcome Are You Satisfied? by Bob Christopher The 28 Day Forgiveness Challenge -- Day 20 Have you ever thought this about God: "No matter what I do, God is never satisfied with me." The Bible tells a different story. God is satisfied. The biblical word...
  3. homwardbound

    cool saying

  4. homwardbound

    quiet don't gossip

  5. homwardbound

    Christ has spoken and are we listening

    Okay , here is what I want you to do. Love others as I (Yeshua) have Loved you. Take care of them and don't Judge them But what if: they are Gay and or worship other Gods. Or do not worship any God? DID I STUTTER?
  6. homwardbound


    Some people think they are beyond the forgiveness of God. A gentleman named John was listening to the Basic Gospel radio broadcast one day. Something he heard prompted him to call. The shame and guilt in his voice were palpable. I asked him: "John, do you believe you've crossed a line and that...
  7. homwardbound

    Are any of us good people

    I'm a basically good person. If you buy the premise that you are basically good, you will miss the grace of God. If you believe you are fundamentally good, you don't need grace. This mindset forces you to rationalize, defend and try to prove to others that indeed you are basically...
  8. homwardbound

    Daniels cloves

    Wasn't quite sure where to post this, yet thought encouraging seeing from s different angle Daniel's Gloves I sat, with two friends, in the picture window of a quaint restaurant just off the corner of the town-square. The food and the company were both especially good that day...
  9. homwardbound

    life house skit Saw this and thought awesome
  10. homwardbound


    requesting prayer for a friend gone missing, Praying for her safe return, God knows all and asking for her safe return
  11. homwardbound

    We are all equal, yet different I know how I react to the above and you all, does this equal the playing ground?
  12. homwardbound

    To all of us that get angry

    Is anger a good thing to not love others that do not agree with us 2.203408.52847751362&type=1 Just maybe a wake up call, for me anyway it is
  13. homwardbound

    Laughter good medicine for the soul Thought humorous, just for a laugh
  14. homwardbound

  15. homwardbound

    You all might like this only 2 minutes
  16. homwardbound

    Grace verses fear Do you like?
  17. homwardbound

    Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word

    Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus || Spoken Word
  18. homwardbound

    LOVE beyond measure

    Time maybe to turn back to our first love?   Please tell me what you think you all.
  19. homwardbound

    If I

    Posted originally by a Brother from Facebook, Eddie Knight, a dear brother in Christ THE BIG “IF I”!!! I used to think and live in terms of the BIG “IF I”!!! “IF I” could “just” have more faith!!! “IF I” could “just” live right!!! “IF I” could “just” please God!!! “IF I” could “just” overcome...
  20. homwardbound

    are we listening

    ARE WE LISTENING Romans 7:8 But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead. Romans 7:11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. Romans 7:13 Was then that which is good...