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    Dr. J. I. Packer, Theologian, Professor, Author, Pastor, Died - July 17th, 2020

    The pains of this world are over. He's now face to face with the truth. God and his love surround him eternally now. I do not weep much when we pass on and go to Heaven.
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    Trump's speech a great relief to law-abiding Americans who love their country.

    I saw that speech on the day. Worthy of a bump for sure.
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    "Politicians can't manage. All they can do is talk." Donald Trump The elected Democrats in Washington D.C. , the Underminers ! What a perfect description.
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    Black Women Wearing "Jesus Matters" T-Shirts Paint Over BLM Street Graffiti While Yelling, "Refund the Police"

    Good for her! Bless her soul. I'm so grateful there wasn't a BLM member with a gun anywhere near there.
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    BLM- 10 demands for white people

    It could be working out for her in that while racist and insane, she could be of the same mindset as that of PeTA founders Ingrid Newkirk and Alex Pacheco who said, pretty much everything PeTA does is for the publicity. The publicity brings money you know. BLM may be racist against whites but...
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    BLM- 10 demands for white people

    Note to self: Get right on that the day after never. My revocable trust gives the properties I own around America to the Arbor Day society to be preserved as natural habitat for wildlife and trees.
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Did anyone else read that and imagine the Grand Canyon hearing of it and becoming offended over the comparison to elected Democrats? Or is it just me that's weird here?
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    As someone who knew a man with dementia I am certainly aware of the signs. Just as I am in recognizing denial in your posts. In point of fact Joe Biden's condition has been evident for years. Even when he was first running as VP with Barack Obama.
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    Is God In Control OF Everything

    Isn't that the very meaning behind Sovereignty?
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    Why do denominations exist? Which modern one would Jesus attend?

    You presume I dismissed all that you said because I shared my personal opinion after quoting yours?
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    How often should I sacrifice a beast to appease God?

    Did you also read an instructional how-to on Brinking?
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    Why do denominations exist? Which modern one would Jesus attend?

    I wouldn't think Jesus attended any denomination being he was the source.
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    Why do denominations exist? Which modern one would Jesus attend?

    I don't think Jesus would attend any church today and for precisely the reasons tantalon explained with regard to denominations. I recall the early followers of Christ after he ascended were called disciples. Later somewhere in scripture we're told we were called Christians in the land of...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    I would offer, we should pray for those who suffer that. But doesn't it seem like in today's world when living in America and also hearing the international news reporting, that we're witnessing the first froth on the shore of that incoming tide?
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    I'm voting for Trump. If that would make me a racist I'll take it over being labeled as irresponsible for voting for a yet to be named vice president on the Democratic ticket.
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Do you think without someone informing him that Biden knows it's 2020?
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    Already Started

    If there is ever an emergency of the cashless type best to save and buy small silver coins. Maybe some gold. Easy to carry and with silver you're not paying in gold if that is all you have for what would cost far less in one silver type coin...
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    ~Chuckle for the Day~

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    ~Chuckle for the Day~
