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  1. Dude653


    Sure you could donate Bible to school libraries but that doesn't mean anyone is going to read them People have the entirety of human recorded knowledge in their pockets so if they want to read it, they will
  2. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    Just my subjective opinion but the only requirements for marriage should be both parties should be human, as animals can't give consent, both parties should be adult and both parties should consent
  3. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    False equivalency. You're trying to equate a consensual relationship between two adults to taking someone's life. They're not even remotely the same thing Because one situation has a victim and the other doesn't
  4. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    Well that's where we're going to disagree because in my opinion a consensual relationship between two adults has nothing to do with morality That's why you don't get to force your morals on me. I have constitutional rights If you believe its immoral to eat hot dogs on Thursday that don't do it...
  5. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    If a gay couple isn't having kids which they don't tend to do then that's not relevant I on't see how taxes are relevant either, how does same-sex marriage affect tax rates? Don't see how it's relevant to the cost of health insurance either. If your argument is stds, heterosexual people get...
  6. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    (the solution to that is simple. Don't discriminate) By your beliefs as a Christian on heterosexual marriage you could be labeled under a hate group which the government has already under Biden given mandatory training for identifying hate groups which in the training it listed radical pro...
  7. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    You don't have a right to force your "Godly values" on other people. Imagine trying to tell someone that he doesn't have the right to not follow your religion. Pretentious much?
  8. Dude653

    Parents: your children have been targeted for DESTRUCTION

    Okay but no one here made that argument so to whom were you referring?
  9. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    The Rome thing... They just tried to spread themselves too thin. People who try to take over the world tend to fail
  10. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    No reason to not allow same-sex marriage other than religious reasons and it literally says they can't pass laws that favor anyone religion because all laws have to have a secular purpose
  11. Dude653

    "We Sold Our Soul for Rock and Roll"

    Probably a lot of these rock bands are just pretending to be satanic just to be edgy Slayer are you so right satanic lyrics but they're vocalist is Catholic
  12. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    To tell someone " you can't do something because of my religious beliefs " it's not only unconstitutional but it's not biblical either. Nowhere in the Bible does it say to force your beliefs on others through legislation or otherwise
  13. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    Yes it does say that. Pretending otherwise doesn't make it true. Secular law protects everyone's rights because not everyone in America is Christian This is that persecution complex I'm talking about. A lot of Christians in America think anything less than 100% compliance to their demands...
  14. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    The amendment clause to the 1st amendment literally says the government can't use religion to pass laws.. imagine trying to tell me I don't have a right to not practice your religion. Pretentious much? I'm not saying all Christians are like this because I have plenty of Christian friends who are...
  15. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    Excuse me for being a patriotic American who honors the Constitution. All those men didn't give their lives to protect the Constitution so American can become Saudi Arabia. When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression
  16. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    I'm pretty sure it's still illegal at the state level to bring religion into legislation Also federal law trumps any state law. That's why the states who have legalized cannabis, it's still illegal at a federal level, they just choose not to enforce it... That's why that Court clerk from...
  17. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    The Constitution says otherwise the amendment clause to the Constitution literally says government can't pass any laws that favor any one religion
  18. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    I would add that the reason behind this bill is because there's a certain demographic in America who's trying to turn America into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia and use their religion to take away people's rights I will stand beside you all day and protest for your religious freedom but...
  19. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    Well yeah but if a church doesn't want to perform a same-sex marriage, they don't have to. That's what the courthouse is for. That's why when you're married at the courthouse they ask you if you want to include God in your wedding vows or not because not everyone in America is Christian.. Pew...
  20. Dude653

    Senate passes same-sex marriage bill with bipartisan support

    All the bill does is federally protect same-sex marriage. There's absolutely nothing in the bill that says churches have to perform same-sex weddings.