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  1. S

    Seattle police found van full of improvised explosives, spike strips, and stun guns at riot Mayor Durkan said in the same briefing

    Someone just telephoned and said the mayor(?) of Seattle has said that the rich there should carry $1500.00 in cash with them so that they have something to give the ANTIFA or BLM members should they be robbed. And then do the same thing the next day. Then there is this. Seattle and Portland...
  2. S

    The serious errors of Oneness/United Pentecostals

    Too often the C word is thrown around amid the church that it alone may segregate the one body from the savior of all. Two points from my end of it. When a teaching in the church has a date of entry over a thousand years after Christ, it isn't of Christ. This is the case of the trinity. God...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    We're not as dumb or gullible as the likes of Fauci and others hope.
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    Best Baked Beans EVER

    My experience has two different feelings as far as the coconut oil soaking in. If I put it on dry skin it does just lay there on the surface. But if I put it on wet skin right out of the shower, it soaks in as the water dries. If I don't have time for that I gently pat the surface of my skin so...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Well, at least I know you didn't read her book.
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    (New) Pompeo On US Crackdown On China

    Feinstein! Her entire career has had a for sale tag on it. The transcript is available to. Excerpted that for this reason. Very good news people! :) 06:11 >> WELL, MARIA, I DON’T WANT TO 06:12 SAY MUCH MORE THAN YOU JUST 06:13 DESCRIBED THERE. 06:14 THE REST OF THE INFORMATION IS 06:15...
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    How can you call yourself Acts 5:29 and spend the time to violate the commandment concerning bearing false witness? Your claims against Trump and the SAT are lies told by his niece in her ghostwritten book. Trump is smart enough to be a billionaire businessman. He's smart enough to run the...
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    Dr. Fauci & Jim Jordan, Words On Restricting Protester Crowds Vs. Church Crowds,

    No, the longer version is a great watch.Less than 6 minutes to watch Fauci get his cheeks handed to him by Jim Jordan.
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    Seattle police found van full of improvised explosives, spike strips, and stun guns at riot Mayor Durkan said in the same briefing

    I think one way to stop this garbage from spreading when these two people have children who will hear this, is for the O's to file lawsuits against those public entities who foment this slur. Slander and defamation isn't protected speech. Thou shalt not bear false witness.
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    There it is! Communism is something to aspire to for America. But those who champion that effort here don't move to Communist states. Odd.
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    Trump Outsmarts them again

    Isn't that what could be construed as animal abuse? Making your cat watch msm for information? :p
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    Seattle police found van full of improvised explosives, spike strips, and stun guns at riot Mayor Durkan said in the same briefing

    Here's the interesting part, though: Dorf also notes the distinction between running for the vice presidency and becoming vice president. I asked him where a challenge would arise to a Biden-Obama candidacy, and his response was that it would come up at the Electoral College -- or once Congress...
  13. S

    Best Baked Beans EVER

    Maybe think about using some of that coconut oil to dry off after a shower. Smooth it all over your wet body. The water carries the oil and holds it so it soaks into the skin. Talk about making your skin supple and healthy. Wonderful stuff.
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    Best Baked Beans EVER

    Lets all carpool to the house of Godsgirl. :giggle:
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    CBP seizes shipment of assault weapons shipped from China

    There should be a follow up story. Seized weapons were distributed to known Militia groups in the Louisville area. ;) Let our enemies beware!
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    Seattle police found van full of improvised explosives, spike strips, and stun guns at riot Mayor Durkan said in the same briefing

    Or, she could be wearing loose pants. First tranny that ever gave birth to two girls. InfoWars isn't credible. Their host had a regular guest on that claimed he was a hit man for the Clinton family. He's on a live feed being interviewed a few times. He's admitting to multiple homicides and...
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    Coin Shortage- on the road to a cashless society

    Paranoid? Chip implants that replace currency and our credit and debit cards? Don't tell the citizens of Sweden that. This is old news. (April)...
  18. S

    Covid 19 pandemic opportunity to war against religion. Yes, it appears so. San Francisco Gay bathhouses can open but not places of worship

    Helps to read the article. after Gov. Gavin Newsom ordered San Francisco County and several others in California to close indoor operations for fitness centers, worship services, personal care services, malls, offices, hair salons and barbershops.