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  1. Zandar

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    ive also seen images imprinted over their faces sometimes. its weird. thats why i dont watch it.
  2. Zandar

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    ive noticed something else, too. They will put an unsettling ambience in the background if they want to pull out certain emtions.
  3. Zandar

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    When I hear the a newscaster start a show...
  4. Zandar

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    Your so right. As someone else said here on the forum, thinking about the Lord lowers your blood pressure which is what I need when I see most of the country and now the world going after false priest and prophets.
  5. Zandar

    Programming....Predictive Programming

    I'm sure a lot of producers have to make movies and tv shows that they dont agree with, and they drop in stuff to try and help folks understand that alot of news is just play acting. I seen an old vhs a while ago that said when laws need passed the news actors will put on a show to make people...
  6. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

  7. Zandar

    Blood Pressure

    One of the best ideas Ive ever heard.
  8. Zandar

    Ukraine the bad guy?

    It looks like India is about to be dragged into this mess.
  9. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

  10. Zandar

    The take.

    I believe that people try to change gender because its like Jesus said, the lust of your father will ye do. Satan hates the image of God and seeks to distort it.
  11. Zandar

    The take.

    He told Moses, tell them I Am that I Am.
  12. Zandar

    The take.

    We as humans have a spirit. the old testament describes angels as having a spirit. it also describes animals spirits returning to the earth. i dont claim to understand it. but if we are made in the image of God, maybe that is a clue. it says murder is wrong because we are destroying the...
  13. Zandar

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    1 Corinthians 13:12 12For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
  14. Zandar

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    earth in the bible meant the ground as in earth and sea and sky
  15. Zandar

    Keto Anyone?

    keto has been high jacked by mainstream. it used to be prescribed to help with seizures by eating vegies and fat, some protein and very few carbs. boiled cabbage with butter. eggs in lard. green beans and vinegar.
  16. Zandar

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    according to a european scientist in the early 1900s, it looked flat to him. (Picard) acording to government scientist its round. it comes down to, who do you trust?
  17. Zandar

    Does the Bible support the idea of a spinning ball earth flying through space, or is that a Satanic, Masonic lie?

    The truth is, we believe the earth is round because we are all taught this at a very young age. thats why we have a knee jerk reaction to any other view.
  18. Zandar

    lymphatic Drainage

    When I have sinus congestion, Ive found this helps.
  19. Zandar

    The Evil in Hollywood

    Sometimes reporters brandish their title as a jew like its a weapon. It makes me wonder if they are who they say they are. I recently heard a old proverb, The forest was getting smaller but the trees kept voting for the axe for the axe was clever and had the trees convinced that since his...