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    California church defies court order and worships indoors - Thoughts?

    I applaud their courage. I hope more churches follow their example.
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    JERRY FALWELL JR..... Leave of Absence

    If they want him out they'll get him out. And they did. Now I wonder who took his place.
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    Coin Shortage- on the road to a cashless society

    No, but thank you for your applying my motives to fit your own.
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    Coin Shortage- on the road to a cashless society

    No kidding. As in evidence of a murder. Perhaps, but that is non-applicable to the event I was sharing. My so called motives nor view are relevant. In point of fact the man in question had evidence on that phone of communications and threats he'd made with the victim of a homicide that was...
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    Empaths and Christianity

    No, there isn't. They are interrelated. And they are not occult.
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    I Can't Breathe ?!

    My observation concerned your remarks about the black community. I agree, your remarks were pretty far fetched. This is why I addressed them. Irrevocably so, yes, I agree. I believe the riotous personality will avail themselves of any opportunity to cause chaos. Mr. Floyd didn't have to mean...
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    BLM protesters burning bibles

    I saw a BLM advertisement today wherein the female narrator closed their push for support for BLM by saying, "Because no lives matter until black lives matter." Their Liberal supporters will likely never get what she was saying there...
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    It's hard to miss that some of the things we were being told to do to keep ourselves safe are now being walked back. Neck Gaiters for COVID-19 Worse Than No Face Covering At All
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    I Can't Breathe ?!

    Is it fair to paint the entire black community, not the topic of this thread, in such ways? Further, it sounds like victim blaming. The point remains, if Mr.Floyd was claustrophobic it is understandable he wouldn't want to get in the back of the car the way the officers were attempting to put...
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    I believe the member was referring to undocumented immigration and immigrants.
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    Sermo Largest Statistically Significant Study by 6,200 Multi-Country Physicians on COVID-19 Uncovers Treatment Patterns and Puts Pandemic in Context April 2, 2020 Treatments & Efficacy The three most commonly prescribed treatments amongst COVID-19 treaters are 56% analgesics, 41%...
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    Thank you. I did understand your premise in that you said scientists say that HCQ isn't effective, and I know you meant for Covid 19, useless. What I am asking is for the evidence that the scientists you're referring to have indeed stated that. Links to those scientists you say have said...
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    You stated earlier, "The scientists say that hydroxy is'nt effective. Useless. " Useless is a strong word and that is in part why I asked for sources for those particular scientists, as a blanket allusion to just scientists is implying all scientists, have arrived at the conclusion you stated...
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    Does a vote for Biden mean a vote to go back into harsh lockdown?

    God forbid, please God, please forbid! Joe B. wins November 3rd's election. Because the one that will actually enter the Oval Office is his chosen VP because JB is not mentally fit for the job. Truth be told, which would be unique to his camp of supporters who push him on down the campaign trail...
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    ‘Stalkerware’ phone spying apps have escaped Google’s ad ban

    August 11,2020 Right! Something escaped the minds working @ Google. Build a better mousetrap and sooner or later you'll find a mouse with power tools and a duffel bag full of all the cheeses in your house. :rolleyes: If I didn't...
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    Eternal Security - Most dangerous words ever preached: Once saved, always saved.

    Keeping to the hush hush on the B word thing, is there a post somewhere that informs people who consider registering, or who are already here, as to what can and cannot be discussed? Last year I briefly joined what I thought was a Christian forum, open to all in Christ. I was banned without...
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    JERRY FALWELL JR..... Leave of Absence

    Let me say this slowly. A picture taken aboard his YACHT! OK, maybe it is just my eyes alone but first, who's the woman beside him? Did I miss that notation in his posting that he shared? She's unbuttoned too. Secondly, when this first hit a headline on one of the MSM feeds that pops when I...
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    Newsom signs executive order declaring California a vote-by-mail state -May 2020 article

    Newsom is out of control. Singing is banned in churches! Churches are closed or limited in number of attendees. He even before all those shenanigans banned people gathering in their private homes for Bible study. Curious tiny dictator man, how are you going to enforce that one? Hmmm? Oh, I just...
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    This Corona virus pandemic could be the weapon that takes our liberties away , all in the name of saving lives?

    Hi, :) Please, would you be more specific? Which scientists are saying this? Their names please. Where they said it , the source link to their remarks please. The more you know.....:giggle:
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    How should Christians respond to mask mandates?

    Yes, it is related to the SARS virus. It is the thinking humans exploiting that and who do care about our political beliefs, religion, and appear to be in a conspiracy of facts. For instance, fact. People, I know two now, are being contacted via SMS to let them know they tested positive for...