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  1. Zandar

    Flat earth debunked.

    I know what the gov wants us to believe.
  2. Zandar

    What are UFOs to you?

    I dont believe in them either, friend. I was just being silly.
  3. Zandar

    The Gun Thread

    I've got a Bulgarian 9mm Mak. I had to use it once to talk an individual into not breaking in my front door and moving on down the road.
  4. Zandar

    Matthew’s Kingdom

    ok, ive looked through some of the bible on this. so matthew says kingdom of heaven, mark and luke say kingdom of God while talking about the same parables. i always think about that verse that says, the kingdom of God is not meat and drink but righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost...
  5. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    I know what you mean. I used to have a lot of family in the old time pentacostal movement. they would pray and ask the Lord who they should ask to preach a revival and He would tell them. And they would usually show up at the church on their own accord and tell them the Lord sent him there
  6. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    Ive heard since the 90s that Hillary was into the lesbian movement and witchcraft. typical politicial
  7. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    i keep going back to these scriptures this week, God destroyed thee followers of Baal Peor but DEUTERONOMY CHAPTER 4 KJV King James Bible Online › Deuteronomy... 4 But ye that did cleave unto the LORD your God are alive every one of you this day
  8. Zandar

    What are UFOs to you?

  9. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

  10. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

  11. Zandar

    Strictly Miscellaneous

    that must have been some cup
  12. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    I just listened to a message and the preacher said, there is no way, as eduacated as we are that people in america dont no they are doing wrong. the Lord did say that Sodom will judge somee people because if Sodom and Gomorrah had seen what they had seen they would have repented long ago
  13. Zandar

    Anyone battling anxiety/panic disorder?

    I can remember a few years ago, 2017, my anxiety/depression was really bad then and I had a buddy told me, just lay in the floor surrounded by a bunch of puppies. I never forgot that, lol. I never tried it, but at least he was trying to help.
  14. Zandar

    Anyone battling anxiety/panic disorder?

    Find you something fun to do. I've been shooting a pellet gun here lately. I don't know why but I'm having a lot of fun with it. I had a pschologist tell me that for a guy the two best ways for your mind to release some of that bad stuff is to work/excersize or do something that you really enjoy.
  15. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    Maybe a lot of those folks will wind up in a much better church.
  16. Zandar

    Anyone battling anxiety/panic disorder?

    Oh, man. I'm sorry Brother. Something will work out. It always does. You really need a third party to deal with your mom's medical stuff. I've tried to help mine with some medical stuff going on and even though I know things and have told her things that will help a lot, to her I'm just her...
  17. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    lol. thats good. I haven't heard anything at my local church, my family, my workplace friends, my friends nor anyone online. Only the news media of all things.
  18. Zandar

    Methodist Church continues to split.

    I like that. It's not easy going against the world. They are quick to point out our faults, accuse us of hypocrisy and being 'mean spirited' which I guess is a woke sin.