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  1. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    Yeah Jesus didn't follow the Jewish laws. That's why they killed him
  2. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    According to Jewish sabbath law, just traveling anymore than a particular distance was considered a Sabbath I remember reading somewhere that some of them wouldn't even have a bowel movement on the sabbath violation That's why the apostle Paul said Christians don't benefit from following these...
  3. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    Most Christians do have that. On sunday. You're just splitting hairs because you think they're worshiping on the wrong day
  4. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    Well the Bible says if you accept Jesus and believe then you won't go to hell. It doesn't say you go to hell if you worship on the wrong day
  5. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    I just don't think God is going to say "Yeah I know you tried your best to be a good person and live according to the Bible but too bad you worshiped on the wrong day.... To Hell you go."
  6. Dude653

    How an Occupied Twitter Ruined Countless Lives

    Rarely ever use twitter. I follow like maybe 20 people
  7. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    Most Christians and even Catholics worship on sunday. So I guess they're all wrong?
  8. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    Your contradicting yourself. You're saying don't be legalistic while being legalistic
  9. Dude653

    Dressing modestly 1 Timothy 2:9

    Jesus himself said if someone doesn't want to hear you, you walk away and wipe the dust from your feet. That means you don't force your beliefs on people
  10. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    Okay so we're in agreement at the apostle Paul says Christians don't benefit from following the Mosaic law so why the hostility?
  11. Dude653

    Dressing modestly 1 Timothy 2:9

    Pretentious much? All I'm saying is everyone has a right to follow their own culture and you can't force your beliefs on anyone
  12. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    We've discussed this on other threads but as for christmas, it's not mentioned anywhere in the bible. Jesus celebrated the Jewish holidays like passover. For some people Christmas is a celebrating the birth of christ, for some people it's just a cultural holiday. Everyone has their own reasons...
  13. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    Keeping the Sabbath is basically impossible. That's why the apostle Paul said Christians don't benefit from keeping the old Jewish laws. Imagine going to church and your pastor asks help move some chairs and you say sorry bro can't do it that would be working on the sabbath. If you really want...
  14. Dude653

    Christmas??? A pagan belief??? huh?

    Christmas isn't mentioned in the Bible because Jesus celebrated the Jewish holidays like Passover For some people Christmas is a celebration of jesus, for some people it's just a cultural holiday. Everyone has their own subjective reasons to celebrate or not celebrate Christmas so do you I guess
  15. Dude653

    Dressing modestly 1 Timothy 2:9

    Oops. I meant Himba.. I always catch typos after it's too late to edit
  16. Dude653

    Sunday worship / Christmas / Easter and all the rest....

    Nah .. I grew up Southern Baptist and we always worshiped on sunday. Seems a little self-righteous to judge people just for what day they worship Also Christians are not subject to Mosaic law, as per the covenant of the New testament so yeah, it's pedantic
  17. Dude653

    VP Pence announced just hours ago he's running for president

    Can't wait to not vote for him
  18. Dude653

    Dressing modestly 1 Timothy 2:9

    You're entitled to your opinion on what the handle ladies are wearing or not wearing but they are also entitled to their own opinion on what is socially acceptable because that's their culture
  19. Dude653

    Are we still protesting pagan holidays or did we surrender?

    So if a kid is wearing a SpongeBob costume and I give him a Snickers is that satanic?
  20. Dude653

    Dressing modestly 1 Timothy 2:9

    I think a woman or anyone else for that matter can cover her skin without having to walk around wearing what looks like a cloth trash bag. The reason behind it is actually so a man won't be tempted to sexually assault her, instead of just making men control themselves, they make women walk...