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    Please pray for my 14 year old son Elijah

    So sorry to hear of your heartbreak. (hugs you) Praying for you both.
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    Biden is no more moral. June 30 = Joe Biden Endorses Abortion ‘Under Any Circumstance’ In Statement After SCOTUS Ruling Remember when HRC was running in 2016? It came out that she...
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    OPINION How to defend being pro-life while being against illegal immigration As a Christian, I am called to love people – not to eliminate punishment for wrongful actions. Mon Jun 25, 2018
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    :unsure: Bad spelling? @GST where's that at in my post you judged so?
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    Biden Blunders Again (I'm Joe Biden's Husband)

    I'll throw in on the dysfunctional daffy family size bottle of sunscreen. ;):LOL: We're all weird here but we're not burned!
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    Are you saying illegals trespassing into this nation of America should be exempt from our immigration laws?And we should abide by that and support that because we're Christian?Christians are called to love people not argue that a segment of law breakers should be exempt from punishment for...
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    I just found out that the show is still on, "Teen mom". A few years ago the news reported an upswing in teenage girls working to get pregnant. Why? Unbelievably, but I guess not so much in today's world, teen girls were looking to get pregnant so they could apply to be on that show. :oops: Yeah.
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    Hence the reason many people refer to those type publicly open Democrats as slaves of Moloch. Or, Moloch worshipers. Harris' stance on abortion is quite frankly obscene.
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    Oh, look! Police in Portland Oregon have had enough! They declare on the 86th day of the city occupation not a protest but a RIOT! Videos

    I can't help but wonder if their inaction, this being a Democratic territory w/the governor and mayor, is due to politics so close to the national election. "It's all Trump's fault!", type thinking. You know why the mayor and governor do nothing? Because they live in gated communities behind...
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    You're not an American but you clearly follow the Left wing bias reporting of the MSM. (Main Stream Media) In point of fact what you call separating children from their parents is a matter of law! In America we do not put vulnerable children into an adult jail system where they'll be at risk to...
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    Biden Blunders Again (I'm Joe Biden's Husband)

    I would say there shall not be a presidential candidate debate. Joe Biden even with a prompting from an installed ear bud so as to be fed the answers to questions his team would most certainly be made aware of prior, could never keep up with their giving him the answers that way. The debate I...
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    Biden Blunders Again (I'm Joe Biden's Husband)

    Not insane. Sadly, Joe Biden appears to be suffering from Alzheimer's Disease, which is a kind of dementia that sadly is fatal. Alzheimer's is an neurodegenerative disease. In short, the autonomic nervous system of the body atrophy , or, degenerate. It is a horrific way to die. :cry: I would...
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    China cover up? No bed. :LOL:
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    To the contrary, Biblical Christianity as is written.
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    How Should Christians Vote?

    Just to add clarity here, Nehemiah is Canadian, not American. Check his profile, he lives in Canada. I've asked him twice if he's an American ex-pat and he's not answered. I wouldn't be upset about his observations of American politics when they don't actually pertain to him personally as an...
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    Why Do Certain Elements On This Forum Just Attack And Criticize?

    " You are a hydra-headed monster in bed!" :oops::ROFL:
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    BLM protesters burning bibles

    I don't think we can discount the possibility they were bought by George Soros and distributed to the domestic terrorists of BLM. Soros is listed as an enemy of the state by his homeland Hungary as well as Israel. (He's a Jew) During the Holocaust Soros, a young man then, and his father...
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    BLM protesters burning bibles

    Maybe we'll find out if he responds. Province of Flemish Brabant - Belgium Travel Guide - Eupedia
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    Soros Backed Org. ‘Minnesota Freedom Fund’ Releasing Murderers, Rapists From Jail

    George Soros is listed as an "enemy of the state" by his home country, Hungary, as well as Israel. (He's a Jew) He should be listed as that here in America! LEAKED: George Soros Funding #BlackLivesMatter via @Liz_Wheeler More unbelievable evil's...