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  1. M

    A weeds thread

    Growing up, we had parents who tended plants when they had free time. I did not love plants as a child, but did learn to dabble a bit and work on soil a little, and esp. remember my mother allowing us to plant in cans whatever we found our fancy to, like some interesting weeds. Have you found a...
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    Gen 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew… Gen 2:9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food… There is a children’s folksong so popular entitled Bahay kubo...
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    from Ezekiel 47

    Eze 47:10 And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from Engedi even unto Eneglaim; they shall be a place to spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many. Eze 47:11 But the miry places thereof and the...
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    Ginger candy so easy

    Home Remedy for Nausea and Indigestion: Ginger Candyby Bhawya Home Remedy for Nausea and Indigestion: Ginger Candy Ginger is considered a warming and spicy flavored herb. The warming nature of ginger is reflected in the fact that ginger can be used against various illnesses caused by cold...
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    when angry...

    ...what do u do? I have been thru Viv's thread on when annoyed or irritated? and this one too: You'd have thought at this age, ppl would have learned to control their/our tongues... and I can.. online. In person I...
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    Eye care thread

    Theres a skin care thread, now an eye care advice for your eye experiences or what helped you. I was watching a series on dehydration, and the doctor said smoke that gets in the eyes are not good. She interviewed a 69 year old woman with macular degeneration who was healed. Prov. 3.7 Do not...
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    Did you know?

    It could be "Did you know" or "Do you..." From Did you know ABC meant Always be careful when we were being given piano lessons?... to Do you know how to peel a pineapple (and eat it fresh too)? If not, then here's how, or share a link as this: Peel and Slice Fresh Pineapple - As...
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    Redeeming time

    This is just to ask how ppl redeem time in practical terms. Not meant to be a theological discussion, so perhaps a statement or paragraph would do... For those who know Gk, it may make clear tho if u help out w/ the original words. Thanks.
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    An israeli thread

    There was a short vid i came across one time on how israel irrigated its desert lands. I wanted to post that but cannot retrieve it just now. So here's one in the meantime, something gooey but be warned, not for chocolate lovers. (3 min) There, i...
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    from Biblical Medications and Uses Today-dates

    Let me blog this from the above titled thread. I wonder what else they do with dates nowadays... I found this in Moldenke: The palm tree (Heb. elot) is unquestionably the date palm Phoneix dactylifera. Being peculiar in the erect mode of its growth, with branchless taperign stem to 80 ft or...
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    just health

    when we were small, it was explained that we be very careful to have xrays, and have them only like once or twice a year as needed.. because it is radiation.. now we have a celphone next to us, inour pockets and bags, other remote control stuff and wifi around us all the time=(. i am not...
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    how much

    Since this is on food items, i have decided to post here instead of in Misc. Would u care to tell how much some items are in ur place, just so we have an idea when converting some things. I mean, it doesnt matter what, if u often buy and use butter, then would u tell how much butter is there...
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    Biblically sound teachers? I am taking off from an old thread discovered some time ago. Last post was in jun 2013 however. Have some of you listened to steve cioccolanti from australia? please say what you think...
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    Coffee, tea or smoothie

    This is not a recipe post from me, but just asking others of ur favorite healthy drinks or refreshments. Ive long wanted to read on others tea and drink preferences or habits but kept forgetting to ask=(. tnx.
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    Something from India

    I was reminded of a Tamil Christian student when I saw this.
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    a jubillant rondo

    just something
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    how (well) you take care of ur teeth

    This is simply to ask how the older ppl esp wdout dentures take care their teeth. Aside fr the usual dental visits... Of kors others are welcome to share.
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    "Church" of sweden calls off crosses

    The Bishop of Stockholm has proposed a church in her diocese remove all signs of the cross and put down markings showing the direction to Mecca for the benefit of Muslim worshippers. World's First Lesbian Bishop Calls for Church to Remove Crosses, to Install Muslim Prayer Space
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    Was wondering why soulweave hasnt been here lately. I thought she might not be well after mentioning something on health before she kind of stopped posting.
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    What/how do u recycle nowadays? just ideas, tnx.