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  1. A

    Warning Against Women

    You have brought up Proverbs and asked your question in that context. That portion of Proverbs is written in the context of instructions from a father to a son. 8Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, 9for they are a graceful garland for your head...
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    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    1) There is no suggestion of Jacob or anyone else drinking. 2) Getting drunk was shameful in ancient Israel and condemned by the Law and the prophets. There is no suggestion that Jacob ever gave himself over to this sin at any time and therefore it would be sinful for us to accuse him without...
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    Will my son find his love someday?

    Did you know that in most cases where a stable man falls into things like alcohol, looses his job, or ends up in jail with DUI and other stupid mistakes it can be traced to when a relationship with a certain female began. Be glad he is not being emotionally drained by some female right now and...
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    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    My guess is that they were extremely modest about the act and did it in the extreme dark. Procreation being the main point. Nothing much romantic, steamy, or sensual. No kissing. They knew nothing about the way things are portraited in movies. It was a different time in the world...
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    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    I suppose that if a man was himself a virgin and felt it was important to him to marry only a virgin then he might feel it is appropriate to ask such things in the process of courting. It used to be assumed but those days are gone. However, what would make it very much offensive to all those...
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    The parable is not about the size of anything and nothing like that is mentioned. That argument fell flat. The Parable has a lesson and there is only one way to know what it is. Reading it. The lesson is clearly what it says at the end, just like most parables. Stick to your argument that...
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    "that he may warn them, lest they also come into this place of torment" It is impossible to mess that up.
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    Our focus should be on "WHAT IS THE LESSON?" And it is fairly impossible to miss it. The main point is that the Bible warns people about a judgment awaiting those who don't love MERCY toward their fellowman whom they have the power to help, and that the only way someone will heed this warning...
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    And yet we decide on which are the Best by which do the better job of making a case using the rules of hermeneutics. And I think that the case for the dogs licking his sores as another layer of humiliation suffered by the beggar has always been presented as the best argument from those who dive...
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    Fair enough. I do agree that more than the rich man was intended in the story. I do believe he was once again undermining their false confidence in thinking they were children of Abraham and could expect partaker of the promises prophesied when they had no respect to the things that the...
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    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    Well I think it is not appropriate to ask a woman such questions. However, concerning the concept or idea that it is somehow sad to see a man of marriageable age who is not married. I think that the idea that people are going to miss out on the "best things in life" is what drives people...
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    Ok, i read them. You attempted to make an allegory out it. An allegory is not a parable. These are distinctly different forms of Hebrew literature. Trying to assign meaning to all the details to make them represent something else is an allegory and there is no possible way that Jesus had...
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    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    Can you imagine how sad that must make the second guy feel? Unfortunately his wife is sick in the head. That would be the truth. He should have waited and found a wife that was not brainwashed by romance novels and nonsense. The one the woman marries is the one she is meant to be with...
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    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    I think the context of Paul's advice was that there were those who were thinking that the most spiritual state of a person was to not have sex. He answers them that if they are married they should not think that sex is unspiritual and they should not refuse their partners. And none of them...
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    And what LESSON was Jesus teaching with this parable? Please identify the Lesson in the parable. If it is a parable there is an obvious lesson that is easy to circle or underline. Tell us what you think the lesson is?
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    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    That states that the best advice Paul could give to them is to remain as they were at the moment. This is still good advice. Telling people to remain single if they can is going to allow them to be more effective for the ministry as they can serve the Lord undistracted. will never be easy to...
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    2 Thess 1: 6since indeed God considers it just to repay with affliction those who afflict you, 7and to grant relief to you who are afflicted as well as to us, when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven with his mighty angels 8in flaming fire, inflicting vengeance on those who do not know God...
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    Does God choose your spouse or do you with God's guidance?

    This is what you believe but it is not what scripture teaches. Paul made it clear that it is a choice. We can marry or not marry. Nothing about God having a special one for us. I think it is always best to renew our minds to think according to the revealed word of God on things rather than...
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    Interpreting the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus: It's Really Good News!

    Amen, and that clear message from Abraham. There is just retribution for such hard heartedness. It is something that the righteous are glad to hear about. We are glad that there will be a reckoning.