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  1. JohnDB

    How do we explain these pro slavery verses in scripture?

    Yes, it's amazing to me that even though you quote scripture you have no understanding of it. Obviously you read what you quoted and understand the words but for whatever reason you still don't get the contextual clues of kindness and mercy and grace shown to the slaves.
  2. JohnDB

    How do we explain these pro slavery verses in scripture?

    Because scriptures are clear about how to treat slaves. A slave is still a person...and in order to care for them properly it requires a lot of work. And I can't do it all anymore like I used to. Everyone who used to work for me was loyal beyond what I would think was a ridiculous level of...
  3. JohnDB

    How do we explain these pro slavery verses in scripture?

    That's a really good question.... I'm not up for owning a slave myself. Because the slave owner is responsible for EVERYTHING the slave does. If the slave commits a crime their owner is responsible. And I'm not such a controlling person who could or would want to keep such tight control...
  4. JohnDB

    How do we explain these pro slavery verses in scripture?

    Yeah....noticed that myself. The questions are becoming more and more hostile as they move forward. And what some people do not realize was that in many ways slavery 6,000 years ago was the same thing as the welfare program our Government provides today with our tax dollars. Of course...
  5. JohnDB

    How do we explain these pro slavery verses in scripture?

    Because the way they are said is confusing...not what was intended. What's intended by this old book is of extreme importance.
  6. JohnDB

    I'm 24 Years Old Today

    Have you given thanks to God for his allowing you to live this long? And just as an FYI....when you get to 3 times your ain't for the wimpy. Better get some real bravery and's the only way you'll survive being 72 and retiring.
  7. JohnDB

    How do we explain these pro slavery verses in scripture?

    Paying a bride price and a father giving a dowry is still practiced to this day. Just because you live in a culture it doesn't happen inside of doesn't mean that God's word is not true or still effectual. Besides.... You were quoting from the Old Testament and specifically the Torah/Law...
  8. JohnDB

    Can I Be a Christian if I Occasionally Smoke Cigarettes

    Ecclesiastes 11:8-10(HCSB) ⁸However many years anyone may live, let them enjoy them all. But let them remember the days of darkness, for there will be many. Everything to come is meaningless. ⁹ You who are young, be happy while you are young, and let your heart give you joy in...
  9. JohnDB

    How do we explain these pro slavery verses in scripture?

    Because the rules are still applicable. The truth is timeless. Customs change, people really haven't. Let's put it this way.... Most people believe that way back in 1890 people were of much higher moral character. That things were spiritually so much better. The truth is so much...
  10. JohnDB

    Mary Magdalene

    Ummmm.... Extreme emotion is in play here and a very rough translation. If someone you loved came back in bodily form from the dead....don't you think that you might give them a hug and squeeze them tight such a long time to the point that they might think you were never going to let them go...
  11. JohnDB

    Why did Jesus weep? (An actual question)

    Last public miracle before the ressurection. This one was fairly obvious because Lazarus was well known and liked. It couldn't be faked, excused away, passed off as something unexplainable. Lazarus was dead for three days and his corpse stunk from rotting. In fact he had to go into...
  12. JohnDB

    Why did Jesus weep? (An actual question)

    Jesus is God God may be immutable (doesn't change) BUT God is a person who has emotions and is emotional. We are made in God's image...that's where our emotions come from. We didn't make God in our image...just the opposite.
  13. JohnDB

    How do we explain these pro slavery verses in scripture?

    Anthropology studies of the Ancient Near East explain a lot of this. Women were about a half step above property at the time. A groom would "buy" his wife by paying a hefty "bride price". In the Ketubah (marriage contract) the husband was required to have intimate relations with his wife a...
  14. JohnDB

    My cousin announced that he's gonna take his life-?

    What if she ignores it....doesn't read it until Saturday if at all? Deletes it before reading it? Or she dismisses everything you said out of hand? OR Thinks she can handle it all by herself without professional assistance? (Another obvious fallacy because if she was doing well this...
  15. JohnDB

    My cousin announced that he's gonna take his life-?

    Well, Your cousin may be announcing his interest in suicide because of the very same thing you experienced. And an announcement is a cry for help for the world to care enough to stop him. And when it goes ignored...the person committing suicide goes through with it because they believe...
  16. JohnDB

    Just say NO to easter!

    They were put when I went by mine....had to grab some from Family Dollar to keep me supplied. BTW....the kids and adults all had a great time today. The adults ate till they were stuffed....watched the kids in their endeavors....then ate Strawberry Shortcake made from old-fashioned pound...
  17. JohnDB

    An Unexpected Request

    I like this thread.... When we get old...and often sick...our relationships tend to dry up and thin out. Our working life ends and all those relationships with it. That's when the real relationships kick in....and we have so few to rely upon. Who do you have over to share meals with? Who...
  18. JohnDB

    Just say NO to easter!

    Hey....I like those Robin's eggs.... I'm on my third bag of them now. My Dad ate the second bag when he was staying here for a few weeks. We believe that Christ has conquered Christmas AND Easter. There's not a soul in America or Europe that doesn't know the Christian Roots of Christmas and...
  19. JohnDB

    Just say NO to easter!

    Well....we have somewhere between 30-40 people coming over tomorrow for ham, turkey and a bunch of trimmings....then there's the Easter egg hunts AND a scavenger hunt for the older kids. If every day is special then no day is special. And if no day is special then no one sees what we...