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  1. Aidan1

    Real pandemic vs fake pandemic

    Well, Health Impact News is an alternative medicine, holistic, nutrition website, which is seen from others as quackery level pseudosience Website, which is known for spreading information from untrustworth sources. So this I should believe?
  2. Aidan1

    Real pandemic vs fake pandemic

    What poison? The poison of false Informations and false claims? Which effects will show up? Dont get Covidinfection? What expierience do you have with people who took vaccine? Please describe.
  3. Aidan1

    Buddha ornaments

    Its the question why someone has this statue in the home. Mostly not because it is so beautyful, but because they have a certain attitude. As Christian to have an Buddha ornament at home is a little bit strange.
  4. Aidan1

    Coronavirus does not exist!

    So you let you guide through your mind and not through the Holy Spirit? You claime that the Vaccine is poison, without any proof. What else as fear is it? You claime also that every doctor/virologe who find out that this virus exist and there variations, are idiots ore liars, because they...
  5. Aidan1

    Coronavirus does not exist!

    What you are claiming is baseless. You are caught into the fear the people spread in giving you such Informations. If the Lord is not coming before, we all will die, isnt it? Yes we will talk again on one year and will see how many people died because of the vaccine. And if it is no vaccine, as...
  6. Aidan1

    Coronavirus does not exist!

    Sorry, to say, what proof was given that the Coronavirus does not exist. I dont know where you live. In germany we have labtests and we we have Coronapatients in our hospital. This is a fact, to give me Informations from Websites which are known for to spread fake Informations cant convince me...
  7. Aidan1

    Coronavirus does not exist!

    Well, I think the situation in the states is different. Here in germany we have to make Tests before travel with plane. For Travel with train we need only mask and distance.
  8. Aidan1

    Coronavirus does not exist!

    Then make a trip to india ore brasil. Ask them they have heared anything from the Phantom called Covid.
  9. Aidan1

    Coronavirus does not exist!

    Its depend to where you will go.
  10. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    The Brand is Jakaru. I have not been in australia till yet. I belong to the working class. :-). But I would like to see australia.
  11. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    At first Germany is not USA Where are your proofs? You are talking empty words. Where are the more of 250000 deads because of vaccine in the USA?
  12. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Well, its an australian hat :-) Leprosy its from bacteria, Covid is from virus, thats a big different! If you dont Touch an leprosy sick person you cant get it. The virus will catch you from a Distanz less then 1,5 meters. In the case the person cough to you then the Distanz is more. Against...
  13. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    You really compare leprosy with an virus ? Can you tell me please from which place in the US you are coming?
  14. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Maby you trust the false scientists. How is it possible that worldwide different types and Variations of covid 19vcan be isolated,but not in your country?
  15. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    You have siegen not in english? Sorry. Siegen means: win, beaten,
  16. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Yes, Black sheeps you can find everywhere. But this proofes not that all reports are fake. So fat I know there is in your country am different virus type then in europe ore asia ore brazil.
  17. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Brother, ( if you are a brother) this is really your meaning? This is what I would call ignorant and heartless. I have friends there family members, missionarys and pastors died. And you are telling me this is fake?
  18. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    Well, to answer your questions will fill a book. :-) Not all people and decisions which are made are right ore understandable. Fe.have a look to india. The PM told some weeks ago Vovid is besiegen. He allowed Festivals and election. Now the have 4000 death each day. Over 400 000 infections per...
  19. Aidan1

    Vaccine is killing more people than covid

    No brother, i have friends in north and south india, this has nothing to do with ccn. Btw i dont watch ccn. Well if someone telling me that Covid is öije flu i cant be silence. I work in hospital and have Coworkers which have their own expierience with Covidinfection