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  1. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    The works for salvation people say; Works do not save you but without works you are not saved - confused yet? You cannot have it both ways or you cannot have your cake and eat it too. This is twisting scripture and a false counterfeit gospel.
  2. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Thats cool, my fathers family were all French, no apologies, and moved to Chicago, Ill. early 1900's. Later the whole family moved to Los Angels, my Mom was Scott-English and now here I am....:)
  3. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    I get it BillG, but its about boasting in your works, if you want to work your self to death be my guest but works are evidence that you are saved, works cannot add 1 extra second to your eternal salvation. I am not saying someone who works to keep there salvation is not saved, I am saying Jesus...
  4. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Easy as pie, when you cut and paste you'll need to include the end tags with brackets, like this, when you add the end tags with the quote in the middle the computer will do the rest and presto its there on your post. If you do not add the tags on the end it will not work. Now if you edit the...
  5. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Nice dog Bill, I bet she gets a lot of preference around the house, like yummy left overs. Margaux's got a lot of Scottish Terrier in her I'll bet....:)
  6. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Areil82, wanderer6059 has made a very good point, "quenching is rendered as suppressing." I have noticed lately that benher does not support his biblical ideas with scripture references. Could it be that he is more interested in promoting his false biblical ideas instead of finding the truth...
  7. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    My salvation is built on solid ground not shifting sand, Jesus nor the Holy Spirit will ever leave us as an orphan. Where are your verses to support your false notions that we will lose our eternal salvation, you have none, just your say so thats all.
  8. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen and thank you VCO,
  9. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi BillG, she claimed I called her a non-Christian also (a lie) and considered reporting me.
  10. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi BillG, twisting God's words and scripture to make it say what you want it to say is a very dangerous road to go down and it makes my head spin too. benhur does this all the time, sit down, stand up, sit down, shut up, crazy man. Jesus saves period, stop the double talk it drives me crazy...
  11. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen Mcgee, I speak up when I see lies too, some people here are professional's at lying and twisting our words so the we look like the bad guy, shame on them, God hates a "Lier." But be of good cheer so did people lie about our Savior. God approves of suffering for what is right and noble.
  12. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi Stunnedbygrace, I sometimes have the same reaction to his preaching, a gifted man of God. Quote: His theology is more or less Calvinist but he thinks of himself as a, "mere Christian." nice to see you back again and on our "New Modified Formate", God bless! I hope this biography wasn't to...
  13. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    I chopped off the pony tail so you will have to grow a new one, and add some green to the blue hair....:rolleyes:
  14. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Hi BillG, dcon in his "Pre-Christian", Punk Rocker life...:cool:
  15. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Thank you Rosemaryx, these are my wife's favorite, strawberry preserves, yum...:) We are secure in Christ and sealed with the Holy Spirit as well, God bless!
  16. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    I love to read the words of Charles H. Spurgeon. God filled his heart with the majesty and Kingly honor of our Savior Jesus Christ. His words still ring true thought the centuries, "The holiness and tenderness of God." I love to contemplate the wonderful life of our risen Savior, He is my...
  17. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Assurance of salvation: For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John3:16 Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm23:6...
  18. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Why doesn't benhur just be upfront and honest and say; yes you can lose your eternal salvation, and if you stop working to keep your salvation you are lost and doomed to hell. No he is not upfront because everyone would say, you are promoting a false gospel. benher's gospel is not, "Good News"...
  19. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen Ljs, God's love to us is the great motivator, not working to keep myself saved.
  20. TruthTalk

    Not By Works

    Amen Mcgee, even our best favorite sin is no longer fun any more. There is a war going on between the flesh and the spirit, my will and God's will. And like you say when we do sin we have failed, it is not, I got away with it. This life on earth is just preparing us for our eternal heavenly...