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  1. M

    How do you learn and think?

    As i've been learning on redeeming the time, here is one material i found that shared on using our minds to do so. MINDSET TO RECEIVE THE NEW God wants things to be so at rest and settled in order to make room for the oil and receive the whole new thing God is doing in your life. He has pruned...
  2. M

    Hellos to old friends

    Hi, where have you been? Not many now know you, sir.. maybe you can drop by the new members forum again=).
  3. M

    The whole issue with having only 5 minutes to edit our posts is ridiculous

    Hello. As i'm not one to post very long msgs, it is not a problem to me... but what if we typed our reply in Word first, then pasted to CC? There are cases where i do need to think longer abt a post and cannot afford to click Post only to lose all for missing the time limit=). Just a suggest.
  4. M

    Half my life.......... wasted?

    Hi protek, I used to look back too much, or live in the past you'd say. Yes we can, to some extent, but God's word is more important. You can repeat to yourself til it's part of you: Forgetting the past, i run straight toward the goal, which is life in union with Christ Jesus. Btw, came across...
  5. M

    What is everyone's hobbies?

    Reading, writing, making music, sketching, gardening... not in that order. but i just have to do one or the other, and sometimes when waiting as in terminal but cannot bring along much as a book, my small planner is enough. I love note taking and would jot down little things, wc i cannot always...
  6. M

    Need advice..!

    Hi melisna and welcome! Your post caught my attention... and want to mention foreign missionaries we had in another province some yrs ago. Of course missionaries have their major reasons for wanting to come over, but they also shared how different life is here in my country. How they didnt want...
  7. M

    Where Does Our Help Come From?

    Yes, beautiful verses. Thanks, von.
  8. M

    How do you learn and think?

    Hi sth, I was really asking anyone who wanted to share how they learn anything anywhere, any time. And i didnt think before people be learning how to learn, but thats being done not just by teachers, but also supposed to be by parents who are teaching their children. I was thinking sometimes...
  9. M

    Sunny Day!

    Earlier it was drizzling. I dont mind, for i like walking in the rain. Both rain and sunshine from the Lord!
  10. M

    This is a questionnaire to discover your gifts God has given you

    Hi AS, Some people do not want to take such 'tests' but these are in fact very useful in identifying our gifts so we may use them according to the leading of the Spirit. It is not just a test as other tests found online, but may actually show or lead us to where the Lord is leading us when we...
  11. M

    How do you learn and think?

    Hello. I just posted a blog... be blessed in the Lord!
  12. M

    Remembrances and Celebrations from Childhood

    Cognitivists view learning as consequences of our active attendance to and reorganization of information into meaningful knowledge. They view mental or internal processes between stimuli and responses. As we perceive information through our senses, processing these thus leads to remembering...
  13. M

    How do you learn and think?

    Thanks, deuteronomy. I was typing at the time you sent in your reply. The bit about continuing understanding is of course essential, as it is not simply head knowledge we're after but application of concepts/principles learned.
  14. M

    How do you learn and think?

    That seems very good advice, Zt. I'll try to remember that. When younger, i liked to do oral reading so i hear what was being read. Now that seems like the audios so common nowadays, but you do the reading and u can't close your eyes to listen if ur the one reading. Time was when my husband was...
  15. M

    How do you learn and think?

    Thank you. I understand learning involves both Nature and Nurture. As we often hear, even siblings are very different, learn and grow very different. And that is why not only teachers and trainors, but even parents need to understand how learning occurs, learning styles of others. I remember...
  16. M

    Stevia natural sweetener.

  17. M

    How do you learn and think?

    Thanks for the insights. I was recalling a verse from an old Bible from my sister (maybe 30 yrs old Bible) wc i esp like to go back to, for the familiar line drawings too. but even as i am thinking of the verse, i wasnt sure where to find it esp with a headache. Here's Prov. 23.12 instead...
  18. M

    FAVORITE QUOTES A-Z - from the Bible and/or from Christians

    What a pity. I hoped to return with another H quote, but am too late. Anyway, my J post is: A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones. [and the other H quote: “Since holiness is the main thing that excites, draws, and governs all gracious affections, it is no...
  19. M

    Share a healthy habit

    It's just here, the long-long lost thread i wanted to return to. I am bumping this for easier access=)