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  1. Marcelo

    Should Christian Meditate ?

    I first empty myself of me and then start meditating on God's infinite power and on His word.
  2. Marcelo

    Greetings from Brazil!

    Thais, seja muito bem-vinda ao Christian Jet. :cool: Coloque o encosto da sua poltrona na posição vertical, ajuste o cinto de segurança, siga as instruções dos moderadores de voo, mas não desligue o seu celular, pois você vai precisar dele durante todo o transcorrer da jornada. Antes de...
  3. Marcelo

    A Cappella groups

    Radiance Acapella -- Zano Reruponeso
  4. Marcelo


    Since you guys were under Soviet rule I thought those communists had wiped out all organized religions from Latvia. How did your spiritual awakening come about? What church are you attending now?
  5. Marcelo

    What was Sunday/Saturday sermon about?

    I perfectly agree with you. The elder who delivered the sermon last Sunday is really gifted; he is humble and is not concerned about making a name for himself. But unfortunately not all preachers in my denomination are like that; there are many who just pose as prophets. It is better a prepared...
  6. Marcelo

    A Cappella groups

    Radiance Acapella -- It's going far.
  7. Marcelo


    We would love to!
  8. Marcelo


    You're from Latvia? I had to go to Google Maps to see where it is! Wow, it seems to be a very nice country. I wish you could tell us about churches in your city. Welcome to Christian Chat! God bless!
  9. Marcelo

    What was Sunday/Saturday sermon about?

    The sermon this morning was about Haggai, chapter 1. In our church preachers are supposed to be always Spirit-led, they don't prepare their sermons and nobody knows beforehand who is going to preach. Among three preachers present today, only our elder felt Spirit-led to deliver a sermon. The...
  10. Marcelo

    What are you listening to?

    One Man Band -- "Street as Dancefloor"
  11. Marcelo

    Worlds biggest bee rediscovered

    Miri, I thought you were the biggest of all.
  12. Marcelo

    Faith fulling presented

    Topluluğumuza hoş geldiniz, erkek kardeş! Üç aydır Antalyada yaşadım. Burada bizimle kal! Bu topluluk çok iyi! Allah çok yaşa!
  13. Marcelo

    Neglected Basic Christian Doctrines

    We, protestants in general, think that the more we study the Bible the closer we become to God. The Good Samaritan (whose religion was wrong) was approved by Jesus, whereas the priest and the Levite (who were theologically correct) were not.
  14. Marcelo

    hello there, I am new here. I am looking forward to chatting with you all.

    Jatuma, may the Lord bless your rural mission work. Welcome to Christian Chat!
  15. Marcelo

    What are you listening to?

    Audrey Assad -- Blessed Are The Ones
  16. Marcelo

    Pope admits priests kept nuns as sex slaves

    Pope calls for action on sexual abuse.
  17. Marcelo

    How much can a Christian sin and still be saved?

    That's what I'm hoping for. If he truly repents God will not forsake him. Sadly, most members of our denomination think he is beyond forgiveness because he persisted in a serious sin for a long time. The day before I started this thread I was talking with one of the ex-preacher's best friends...
  18. Marcelo

    What was Sunday/Saturday sermon about?

    Most people are like that, but this thread will encourage us to retain the sermons.
  19. Marcelo

    How much can a Christian sin and still be saved?

    Marcelo said: I believe he can be saved, but I don't think it will be easy. He kept lying to his wife and to the whole church for at least two years, for he always claimed that the power of his preaching came from the Holy Spirit. Again: All Christians are sinners, but not all Christians are...
  20. Marcelo

    How much can a Christian sin and still be saved?

    Blik, you were born in the twenties? and so clear minded? Great! :) I am proud to have been born in the fifties, so I imagine how proud you must be of your generation.