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  1. mustaphadrink

    Bible Corruptions

    Hello Mr. Perfect. having a nice time telling everyone off and adjusting your halo? I guess you must have difficulty getting through doors. Maybe that is a bit too subtle for you.
  2. mustaphadrink

    The first churches after Christ vs. today’s church

    if you read the background story of the Old Testament by studying the Prophets and Kings, you will see why the Holy Spirit is unable to produce unity. Because we do not want it, just like the Jews did not want to obey God when the prophets spoke to them and told them of the consequences of not...
  3. mustaphadrink

    Bible Corruptions

  4. mustaphadrink

    Bible Corruptions

  5. mustaphadrink

    How old is our creation really?

    "Nuanciate" I did not know a messenger was a one-liner.
  6. mustaphadrink

    How old is our creation really?

    I never said anything about God creating a human in his image taking billions of years.
  7. mustaphadrink

    How old is our creation really?

    Still don't know where the connection is to what I said.
  8. mustaphadrink

    How old is our creation really?

    And how does that relate to what I said?
  9. mustaphadrink

    How old is our creation really?

    Sorry but I cannot see how that relates to what I said.
  10. mustaphadrink

    How old is our creation really?

    As I did not address any of that, I am still perplexed by your comment.
  11. mustaphadrink

    Bible Corruptions

  12. mustaphadrink

    "Forsake not the assembling of yourselves together" - Heb. 10:25

    For example, what the bible calls the first day of the week and thus justifying meeting on Sunday is in actual fact the first of the sabbaths which as we know is on Saturday. And I am not into speaking just because I like the sound of my voice.
  13. mustaphadrink

    Bible Corruptions

  14. mustaphadrink

    How old is our creation really?

    Sorry, but I do not know what your point is in relation to what I said.
  15. mustaphadrink

    How old is our creation really?

    Sorry but I don't know what your point is.
  16. mustaphadrink

    Looking for a witness.

    You are probably right in most of the cases you have listed. it is not too difficult to draw those sorts of conclusions. Time will tell how much of it is right or wrong. The important thing is that our lamps are trimmed full of oil and ready to go. One thing you have not mentioned which is my...
  17. mustaphadrink

    Would you marry a Buddhist?

    The problem with that sentiment is that when he stands before the judgment seat of Christ he will not get into heaven because he was a good chap.
  18. mustaphadrink

    Is Catholicism the Oldest Christian Faith?

    It is the oldest Christian religion. That does not make it Christian.
  19. mustaphadrink

    Bible study - anyone?

    Ignore the previous post of mine. As one who has taught scripture for many years, picking a verse of scripture is death as it leads to proofreading which is taking a verse of scripture and making it say what you want it to say. To get a good overall view the best way to study the word is by...
  20. mustaphadrink

    Bible study - anyone?

    As one who has taught scripture for many years, picking a verse of scripture is death as it leads to proofreading which is taking a verse of scripture and making it say what you want it to say. To get a good overall view the best way to study the word is by topic. I say this because the bible...