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    Why men like women!

    Because... Gen 2 18The Lord God said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” 19Now the Lord God had formed out of the ground all the wild animals and all the birds in the sky. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them; and whatever...
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    What did Jesus mean?

    I read that it was common to allow non clergy to read scripture in the synagogues.
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    What did Jesus mean?

    We can assume he wasn't. Remember John told them that they were not to think that getting baptized would do any good if they did not bring forth fruit meet for repentance. As a matter of fact John was telling them not to get baptized until they were serious about quitting the sins they were...
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    What did Jesus mean?

    Because we see those in the house of Cornelius filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues before they are baptized and assuming that no one doubts that they were saved or born again as evidenced by the speaking in tongues (filled with the Holy Spirit) as Peter said he knew that they...
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    What did Jesus mean?

    Generally speaking people should be given the opportunity to get baptized when they hear the Gospel and respond in faith. It is what I read in Acts and the plan I want to follow generally speaking. There are always exceptions to the rule.
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    Are we in the end times ?

    Yes, some of these books I have present that view. They haven't convinced me yet. But I am still reading.
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    What did Jesus mean?

    Just like it would for the thief on the cross. He repented and had faith in Jesus. However, in many cases in the US an inmate can request that a chaplain baptize them and they will do so in the jail infirmary. I was baptized this way in the Dallas County Jail in 1983. If he can't do that...
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    What did Jesus mean?

    Maybe many don't get saved because they don't get baptized the day they hear the call to repent. They go home and the devil snatches the word from their understanding. When we start having a baptism method available for the same day we give an invitation to repent so that people can be...
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    What did Jesus mean?

    I understand. My point was that he didn't have to be baptized in water to be repentant. Most people can be baptized in water publicly to show that they are serious about repentance and their decision to stop sinning. That is why he said born of water and the Spirit. Because most people can...
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    Are we in the end times ?

    You mean ...The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. ... happened in 70 AD from the fires burning and the smoke just darkened the day from the perspective of those local people on the ground? Yeah, maybe but I think...
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    What did Jesus mean?

    If Jesus was referring to the baptism of repentance the emphasis is on the repentance not the water itself. So he says born of water and of the spirit because He and his disciples were known for baptising people and teaching a doctrine of repentance in order to enter the kingdom of God. His...
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    Is this the lie that started many false teachings?

    Maybe Gospel Preaching and salvations have pushed back the final judgment. Remember Nineveh. Maybe it's not a date on a calendar and God can delay if He chooses. Maybe hardness toward the Gospel is coming and the lack of fruit is about to bring forth the reapers to cut it down and burn it...
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    Are we in the end times ?

    This interpretation would not fit all of the scriptures on the Last Days. Those texts cover more than just the end of Judaism. And what do we say about Israel today. Are they now exempt from Last Day destruction prophesies?
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    Are we in the end times ?

    On the day of Pentecost Peter quoted Joel, a last days prophesy and said "this is that". Yet the sun turned dark and the moon red was still future. If these other things occur soon and all the destruction parts of prophesy about the Last days happens soon, as in before 2500 wouldn't it be...
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    Is this the lie that started many false teachings?

    I think Revelation is future also. I get that just from my knowledge of the rest of the bible such as Daniel, Zech, etc.. and reading the text itself. I am simple like that. I got saved at 18 in prison with no history of any knowledge about Christianity, church, or the bible. I was a...
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    What is your motivation for tithing?

    Most churches are small and poor.
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    What is your motivation for tithing?

    Most don't teach that tithing like they did under the OT Law is what they should do. Usually they are asking to give 10% of your income to help support the operation and mission of the local church. If they want to call it the 10% budget method to get around the criticism of calling it a tithe...
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    What did Jesus mean?

    I believe that the most persuasive reason to apply the water to baptism is because that is what they were doing at the time. They were baptising on a daily basis before this event. They were preaching a baptism of repentance. They had probably just baptized people that day. Therefore his...
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    What is your motivation for tithing?

    I don't know the exact statistics from formal studies but only what I have heard from pastors that talk about it and it is probably only about 10% of those in a church that say they believe in tithing that actually do so on a regular basis throughout the year. So what that means to me is that...
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    What is your motivation for tithing?

    Support your local church. Good reason.