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  1. Desdichado


    That's the cool part about King- he may not be a Christian, but the Lord has given him such a keen insight that a Christian can benefit greatly from reading him. I'll add too that while he's great with the darker aspects of humanity, he also has a great handle on heroism. I loved that Pop Star...
  2. Desdichado


    And Solzhenitsyn comes up too?! This thread rocks!
  3. Desdichado


    Drifting off-topic here, but I think they were about equally evil. They were just different kinds of evil due to circumstance and temperament. Stalin accomplished more evil because he was a more successful dictator with a more durable and appealing ideology. If Hitler got what he wanted, he may...
  4. Desdichado


    That all sounds wonderful! King is so underrated. Sure, he swings and misses at times and some of his books are primarily written to be sold. But when he hits? Man does he ever knock it out of the park.
  5. Desdichado

    Happy Reformation Day!

  6. Desdichado

    What songs/hymns choke you up?

    Old Rugged Cross It was my grandmother's favorite. Makes me choke up a bit every time. Not that you'd notice. Boys don't cry. The Cure told me so.
  7. Desdichado

    I hate eternal hell

    Well. Martin Luther hated certain aspects of God until he saw the bigger picture in the fullness of scripture. I think it's okay to be honest with your feelings on certain things as long as you temper your feelings with prayerful perspective.
  8. Desdichado


    Confessions is brilliant. A real turning point in Western lit. I'll have to pick it up again. After I commit to City of God.
  9. Desdichado


    I'm so happy to see all this Dostoevsky love in here. He is one of my top 10 favorite writers. Never read The House of the Dead and Poor Folk though. You'll have to tell us how it is. Right now I'm reading Stalin: Paradoxes of Power by Stephen Kotkin. It's the first of a three volume biography...
  10. Desdichado

    Trump uses profanity at rally

    In other news: Water is wet!
  11. Desdichado

    Brexit - Politicians behaving badly.

    I was there last December too. Whenever a Remainer brought up Brexit in a conversation, I said "Your country, your business." When a Brexiteer brought it up, I was a little more sanguine. :ROFL: Playing the clueless foreigner card is an easy out.
  12. Desdichado

    Brexit - Politicians behaving badly.

    I plan to be there on December 14th, hahahaha Maybe I'll avoid the protests.
  13. Desdichado

    should the world rejoice?

    I'll only rejoice when we're done with the Forever War.
  14. Desdichado

    Protests in Toronto over speaker talking against Transgender Ideology...

    I admire his courage and have benefited from listening to his piecemeal insights, but he is sadly no Christian. Not only was the answer to that question disappointing, but he sees Christianity itself through the lens of Jungian psychology and myth. Some great men have come to Christ and brought...
  15. Desdichado

    Protests in Toronto over speaker talking against Transgender Ideology...

    Movements tend to fracture quickly when they sense they're ascendant. If people suddenly sense their faith is tolerated, they will often go about purging heretics. Biologically-chastened feminists are considered anathema because they have prioritized themselves over the revolution.
  16. Desdichado

    US Supreme Court: Teacher who forced student to say Islamic conversion prayer did not violate Establishment Clause

    Hitler was a Pantheist with a somewhat restrained fascination with the occult. Not a Catholic in any meaningful sense outside childhood baptism.
  17. Desdichado

    How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime.

    Japan has an old, homogenous population brought up in an honor culture that historically prefers stabby-cutty weapons over boom-boom sticks. It's also an archipelago. In the words of Donald Trump, "big water." They don't even have a Calais. In other words, they have a starting advantage most...
  18. Desdichado

    Trudeau Wins Minority Gov't

    So while the Liberal party no longer holds an outright majority of seats, there are enough Leftist office holders to make a government. Hence "minority government?" I appreciate your patience with this Yank :ROFL:
  19. Desdichado

    Troops in Syria

    Do you think the Middle East can be controlled outside the context of direct rule? I'm starting to think the Ottoman Empire had its uses.
  20. Desdichado

    Trudeau Wins Minority Gov't

    Well, he is head of a minority government. I'm no expert on the Canadian Parliament, but it looks like he doesn't have as much power as he used to.