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  1. homwardbound

    Not By Works

    Thanks appreciated, yet see, hear, what you said, please? that is sad, if you are not blatantly doing bad. How many of us the people have kicked out others, because they do not see as we do? I thought this love and mercy given is for all, to all and to be in us and move through us too, as does...
  2. IMG_0338.jpeg


    Working out my own salvation and sharing what I have learned and learning
  3. homwardbound

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

  4. homwardbound

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    ‘this you wrote and I just read, I got the thought of Sampson and Delilah. When he broke down the temple then being blind then. So many amazing cross overs in the between the new and old I saw the cross over, amazing
  5. homwardbound

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Thanks for putting me back on track Not one stone left upon another stone, and that happened in AD 70
  6. homwardbound

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    then mankind rebuilt it and calls this God's Church. Really? I thought, think God's Church is in truth the Ecclesia, " the called out ones" God in God's resurrection of Son for us, to live in and through us. only if one is willing even as Christ was willing all the way to death for us to take...
  7. homwardbound

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Fulfilled AD 70
  8. homwardbound

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Daniel 7:13 “I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. Zechariah 12:10 “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and...
  9. homwardbound

    Not By Works

    by those that consciously choose to not believe consciously. will then a the great white throne judgment day, will not have any excuse ever Wow, woe is me as in Isaiah 6:1-7
  10. homwardbound

    Kind of like when Martha and Mary sent for Jesus to come there to heal Lazarus and he did not...

    Kind of like when Martha and Mary sent for Jesus to come there to heal Lazarus and he did not immediately get up and go there, until after Lazarus died. Wow, seeking to learn from it all good or bad thank you
  11. homwardbound

    IF the Spirit Dwells In You...

    therefore are you saying unless one speaks in another tongue, then one is not saved by God? just asking yes or no please
  12. homwardbound

    The Bible Verse By Verse Continued...

    Matthew 8:32 Authorized (King James) Version 32 And he said unto them, Go. And when they were come out, they went into the herd of swine: and, behold, the whole herd of swine ran violently down a steep place into the sea, and perished in the waters. Amazing pigs cannot stand evil either...
  13. homwardbound

    Cancer scare

    Continue, as I hear you doing standing in belief. As evil is doing its best to get your mindset away from trust to God, no matter what happens from this point forward, stand as I know the fear of troubles to deny them, not God ever. I trust God to get you through this, not knowing how, just...
  14. homwardbound

    Instant Breakthrough!

    Amen, turning to god all in all over things that obsess us all in this world is best, to begin new in learning g from God in God's spirit and Truth, amen to you Zanzoken This world has a bouncing ball, to get us involved in it, to hopefully upset us, and get a hold of us, that have chosen to...
  15. homwardbound

    Is the Gospel the power of God unto salvation?

    If your enemy is hungry, feed him. it has been said ask eye for an eye, God has always never meant it as it has gotten taken to mean. Son the Messiah, showed us the Love of God, that has always been here, from day one. For God did not kill Adam or Eve did God? had mercy from day one We the...
  16. homwardbound

    Let's play Bible Trivia!

    Which still leads to doing away with Sin. Thanks for this input about the leafs, time to leave evil, thank you, Yes they did cover up with fig Leafs, used Fig leafs, to hide that they knew they were naked. As God said who told you you were naked? As if God did not already know. The humility of...
  17. homwardbound

    Is the Gospel the power of God unto salvation?

    Free amazing, freed to be original creation (before Adam the first failed), God created in love, to respond to this, know knowing the whole truth F-orever R-econciled E-ternally E-ternal
  18. homwardbound

    Not By Works

    maybe to see Faith deeper, is having an object of Faith. Jesus the risen one, after he went to that cross that took away sin in his Father's sight, not this world's sight, since sin is still out in this world we are in, and not of any longer as was Eph 2 The transformation from first birth of...
  19. homwardbound

    What Changed?

    Thank you, keep me in check to not step, out on my own, thank you, it is good to hear from you
  20. homwardbound

    What Changed?

    Just expanding a little on your quote, and thank you for it You know, John the Baptist came into the world saved and was the witness for the Christ to get baptized and be a witness to the first chosen. Also noting this as well. He was a Levite Priest, John was, saw behind the scenes, being a...