be interesting to see how they are going to slide biden out the side door..
they must do this, he has no chance to get back in, even with tons of voter fraud and mail in ballots..
yes, studies show that Christmas and Easter are very big in non, unsure, or weak believers going to a church service , where ( hopefully_ they will hear the Gospel, and believe it.
while we disagree on much, one thing we do agree on is the deep state is running out of plays to run.
they are STILL trying to push covid, stories in my timeline are covid this, covid that.
no, i do think so.
but, i do think a lot of the world elites think and believe the same things he does, most of them do not say it.
a luciferian cult that runs the planet.
" reality based shows" is the more proper name.
many people on those shows have said that while they are not scripted, the people on the show are " encouraged" to say and do certain things ..