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  1. Aidan1

    God still accepts sacrifices

    Yes, i agree with you. Not the feeling is the measure. God alone knows our real motives. And if we belong to Christ, we will not argue with Him what we should give. Either we are thankful and have burden for others or we dont. Our church f.e. expecting that we should give 75% to the church and...
  2. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Have you been in NY. last year? Have you been in italy and france? Have you been in brasil? Have you been in india? No? Then dont tell that Corona is flu. But dont worry this was my last post in this thread. My judge is my Lord Jesus Christ. Believe what you want, but be careful that you...
  3. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I know what happend in my hospital.
  4. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    What is the different? Btw. I ask me who from us us brainwashed? You claim to have compentence to value the situations in the worlds hospitals and watching Videos which goal is it to proof that Corona is fake. You have even not the Opportunismus to proof this Videos. I saw the situation in my...
  5. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    What you mean, taking any medicine is a sin? And makes you to a follower of the devil? Your post implies this in thinking it fully out. (Sorry for my english)
  6. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    What kind of Videos you saw? You say I am Sound like a typical deceiver and gives the "proof" for that. Then you say, you dont call me a liar? You should also give the full response of your post and spare not out the point. You wrote:" but people like you say there are full of patients. ...
  7. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    If you writing about me and call me a liar, then dont write about me what i never have said! I said in my post nothing about full or empty hospitals. ( What I can say us that we had in our hospital between Jan. and April many covid Patients so that the normal hospital work was driven down...
  8. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    You call yourself a Christian, and calling others without reason a liar? I work since around 30 years in hospital and what I saw is real. You can compare it with an example: To deny the existence of Corana is the same as to deny the claim that Donald Trump was president of the USA
  9. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I work in hospital, corona is real like you and I
  10. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Says who is useing rightradical platforms like bitChute which is known as an Chanel which shows what youtube deletes, because it is rightradical( nazism), antijews, racist, hatespeech, and of course conspiracytheories about Corona. In deed the correct source for an follower of Christ.
  11. Aidan1

    Examples of How You Cannot Believe "Everything" You Hear on the Internet..

    Its shure that in Future the Antichrist has the ability to controle the people. They cant buy and cant sell if the dont have his sign. And this sign is visible, while the vaccine is not visible. And the people have a choice to worship the beast ore not. With terrible consequences. ( Rev 13) But...
  12. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Well it is easier to report about Corona vaccines victims then victims of all the other vaccines. Nobody in these days mentioned them. But would you like to report about more victims then you should choose sars- coV- 2 victims. Thats would overfill your day. But it seems in your eager to...
  13. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    You still have no idea about infectionways. But it seems to me I should leave your with your panicmaking way. And hope that the Readers will take the right conclusions.
  14. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Well, masks reduce the spreading range and combined with distance it helped. Of course it protect not to get the virus. But it reduce the ability to get it. The numbers of flu in germany last year went very down. Why ? wearing mask, distance, washing hands. To say it is for nothing, then why...
  15. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Well, in case of doctors, I work since more then 25 years in hospital and met a lot of doctors. They all are humans and cooking with water. And I met not less doctors which are fully convinced to be right, even when they are not. Of course someone can be convinced that the vaccines kill 65% of...
  16. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I got this gift. If you belong to Jesus Christ you should show it. Out of your responses I cant see it.
  17. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    As I said, you are very disinformed about our partysystem. Then you would know that she has not the power to reign as in your country the president. She has to follow the Party. In Germany it is CDU/ CSU. All other Partys are much more worse in their morals and in the view of Christian values...
  18. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    Angela Merkel is no communist. It seems you are a little desinformed about german politics. So you believe, a Christian has to avoid to help people in need? For you is important that someone has the right political Party. I cant find this in the teachings of our Lord. Thats why you have this...
  19. Aidan1

    Warning to Christians: Totally Refuse COVID Vaccines

    I I have only One Führer. His name is Jesus Christ. You should know Him.