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    Literal or Symbolic: Only 144,000 Will Go To Heaven?

    This is a well known teaching of the Jehovah Witness'es They are IMO exactly who the bible describes, Jews from the various tribes for their work in the Tribulation and most likely persecuted. Matthew 24:9-14
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    Biblical Terms which are Synonymous with the Day

    The sheep/goat judgement in Matthew 25 happens when the Lord returns at the end of the 7 year Tribulation with all his angels. Matthew 25: 31 “When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 Before him will be gathered all the...
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    Biblical Terms which are Synonymous with the Day

    I should have added the Day of Christ to that list as Apostle Paul spoke of it in the future that ye may approve things that are excellent, and that ye may be sincere and without offense until the Day of Christ, Phil 1:10 And how can the Day of the Lord start in Trumpet judgements as 2 Thess 2...
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    Sounds like you are in the middle of nowhere. You mentioned the Oivet discourse--this has nothing to do with the church age but Israel alone. A lot of scripture deals with last 7 years.
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    Biblical Terms which are Synonymous with the Day

    Kingdom of God Day of the Lord Blessed Day 1000 year reign of Christ ( Millenium ) Sabbath ( 7th day) shadow of things to come IMO all these terms are synonymous Anyone agree?
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    Did you know...Gentiles/of the Nations are the House of Israel?

    YES, Israel ( Jacob) was the firstborn of the promise to Abraham
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    Did you know...Gentiles/of the Nations are the House of Israel?

    Was it not Jacob the Lord changed his name to Israel and from the 12 sons came the 12 tribes of Israel?
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    Help Solve the Riddle of the Last Days of Israel per the Prophet Daniel

    Consider this--if Pentecost is the 1335th day mentioned in Daniel and counting back from Pentecost we know the abomination is placed during the Passover feast or days afterward depending on the weekly one day Passover. Considering all the feasts only Trumpets and Pentecost will meet the...
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    Help Solve the Riddle of the Last Days of Israel per the Prophet Daniel

    Marilyn=Sorry Sister Im working only with the numbers from Daniel 9 and chapter 12, maybe start a new thread to discuss your ideas
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    Help Solve the Riddle of the Last Days of Israel per the Prophet Daniel

    Did some research and using the feast days as a guide only the feast of Trumpets and Pentecost can fulfill the 1335 days exactly! I found this astounding. This wont happen every year but in the near future only one time. Some years are off by weeks. Since I would be called a date setter I will...
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    I was told that

    Yes, there are those who believe this. We christians have Jesus, jews have Moses and the Law. Really sad
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    Help Solve the Riddle of the Last Days of Israel per the Prophet Daniel

    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I get where the idea comes from. 7 years = 2 x 3 1/2 year periods. OR 7 years = 2 x 42 months--I agree Rev 11:3 I agree I found that from the...
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    Help Solve the Riddle of the Last Days of Israel per the Prophet Daniel

    How can 7 years be 1290 days??????????????????? 7 years are 2520 days---This doesnt make sense
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    Help Solve the Riddle of the Last Days of Israel per the Prophet Daniel

    I forgot to mention in this thread that on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2:20 that Peter tied this day to the Day of the Lord. I am saddened to realize Preterist are on this site
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    Help Solve the Riddle of the Last Days of Israel per the Prophet Daniel

    Well Grace. I think you may be on to something here on the feasts but everything is either too spread out or too close. There was resurrection on Passover weekend and maybe a future resurrection on a major feast day such as Pentecost in the Tribulation concerning Israel. There is a reaping of...
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    Do some confuse the "Day of the Lord" in 2 Peter 3:10 with Jesus's 2nd coming?

    A Tid-bit from Irenaeus of Lyon who was taught by Papias, a hearer of Apostle John The custom of not bending the knee upon Sunday is a symbol of the resurrection, through which we have been set free by the grace of Christ from sin and death, which has been put to death under Him. Now this...
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    Help Solve the Riddle of the Last Days of Israel per the Prophet Daniel

    The angel gave the Prophet Daniel prophecy concerning end time events that deal with Israel Day 0----------Antichrist make a covenant with many--- Dan 9:27 Day 1260---- -Antichrist takes seat in temple of God----Dan. 9:27 & 2 Thess 2 Day 1290------Placement of Abomination that causes...
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    Baskets used for feeding the four and five thousand

    I dont think the capacity of the baskets mattered because the Lord only inquired in the number of baskets
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    Do some confuse the "Day of the Lord" in 2 Peter 3:10 with Jesus's 2nd coming?

    It will be a terrible time for the heathen as prophet Amos said--Great and Terrible but also a Great and Glorius time as mentioned in Acts 2. There is several things beginning at same time which I think are at Rev. 14: 14-20
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    Baskets used for feeding the four and five thousand

    Im sure they came in different sizes?