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  1. M


    Kind of. When a larger mirror was broken weeks (mos.?) ago, we havent gotten a new one yet. I think no one is thinking that is very impt. Sure there are some items that need moving in the haus, but most move out fast.
  2. M

    Is it OK to eat cake when other people on the planet are starving?

    Thanks, hungry. I agree w/ much of what you said. Me, i'll eat my cake when i'm hungry. But when i'm not, no, i dont have to=).
  3. M

    What was Sunday/Saturday sermon about?

    This is a good reminder... i havent fasted since the year started. Now last sermon i kind of missed coz i was teaching the children. My msg was on cheerful giving to the Lord based on the command to Israel to give their jewelries, precious stones, fine threads and linen, acacia wood, and spices...
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    Live enzymes

    Some time ago, I read on live food enzymes, which explained why some therapies for the sick work, and others do not… The Scottish Medical Journal stated in 1966 that “Each of us, as with all living organisms, could be regarded as an orderly, integrated succession of enzyme reactions.” Some...
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    Highschool Years!!!

    School was tough, but God was there just when i needed Him! It was kind of survival of the fittest atmosphere, but thankfully the blows were softened with His love and compassion in a strange land=). My mother brought dish gardens for our room at the dormitory, placed between my seatmate's desk...
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    Why Do You Love Some of the Things You Love, and What Got You into Loving Them?

    How could i not write abt tilling the soil and seeing plants grow... Both my parents loved to plant, mostly ornamentals, and my mother, the orchids. When i was small i simply enjoyed looking at the variety of shapes, colors and scents of the garden plants, but in time i was getting cuttings and...
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    Scripture on life, with references to flora and fauna

    The past weeks I've been taking note of passages that talk of the believer's life with God with references to God's creation. I miss the Songs with/ or music on this or that threads, but with less time for youtube, i think this is much better searching Scripture! Psalm 92. 12 The righteous...
  8. M

    I'm tired and weary

    Hebrews 11.12 Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, 13 and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed. May God grant you the rest and restoration you need each day. Take it one day at a time, brother...
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    feeling unwell

    Isa. 48. 21 They didn’t thirst when he led him[aj] through the desolate places. He made water gush[ak] from a rock for them; he split open the rock, and water gushed out. 49. 10 They won’t hunger or thirst, nor will the desert heat or sun beat upon them; for the one who has compassion on them...
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    Forgiving vs. Doormat

    Thanks, sm. I appreciate that. Not even noticed the week has passed by. It seems that children may also be moody, grouchy or rude at times-- not knowing why. And while we do not want to leave them at that, they do need some space. As i look back at that situation, i can say i might have even...
  11. M

    Warfare worship songs?

    It really did take a while=).
  12. M

    Why Do You Love Some of the Things You Love, and What Got You into Loving Them?

    Hi kim, thanks for the fascinating thread. Funny how I also had penpals as a child, and one pal later as a student, was an inmate. Unlike you though, I probably have less time to write now as I used to, but do appreciate quickly reading (and sometimes replying to) others' writings when there is...
  13. M


    What surprises, big and small, have you had and been having lately? I was doing my morning Bible reading and note taking recently. I'm going thru a chapter in Psalms as well as Isaiah, then an NT book when I can. As I opened to Psalms (w/o bookmarks), it was right there at chapter 108 where I...
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    feeling unwell

    Hi brother, I can identify as the cool night and morning breezes turn warmer during the day, anticipating el nino. Aside from the Lord keeping us safe thru the heat of the days ahead, I pray you remember to keep hydrated. I just saw a page of a planner from a local drugstore, w/ a page on our...
  15. M

    California veterans home threatens to expel 84-year-old widow for leading Bible study group

    This is really disturbing. At the same time, it makes us think how faithful we ought to be in obeying the Lord too. I wonder how long the Lord will allow each of us to serve Him here, and just ask He enables us as we also strive to be faithful to Him.
  16. M

    How did you guys start becoming Christians?

    Was a student when some missionaries from hongkong came to school and shared with us. As I was studying away from home, I started to learn with them and read my first NT almost everyday even when I did not understand many things yet. In time, when I came home, I no longer went with my...
  17. M

    Warfare worship songs?

    Hi cris, you haven't been welcomed, so here... welcome! There's one i'm trying to recall, but cannot pinpoint it now=)).
  18. M

    Did mis-treatment of woman begin with Adam?

    Yes, how important this point is. So many confuse it and say Adam and Eve were, or Eve only in childbirth was cursed. No such thing in the passages. It was the ground and the serpent.
  19. M

    Forgiving vs. Doormat

    -Family Relationships can be quite complex; but they infer a need for a heightened level of effort and understanding... -Friends and Colleagues are unique relationships that potentially require a different level of effort, interest and boundaries. I like to refer to as 'rules of engagement.'...