Thank you and the Savior for the courage to post your story. I wish I had some tip or wisdom to share, but the best I can do is say to place your trust in the Messiah, He does not fail, ever. Your journey may take years and there will probably be lots of starts, stops and back-ups. Keep Him...
What a beautiful testimony Annie. Thank you for sharing!
We have followed very similar paths except for the drugs (Praise God); my struggle was with alcohol.
I also have not yet completed God's word. I have been at it for a long time (You can probably figure that out). I do know that...
Welcome Deaconpete to CC. You must have been raised by some very wonderful people. All praise to those who raise their children to walk in the way!
I'm looking forward to hearing from you on the boards.
I have no prophetic vision but I do recognize a growing awareness that the church in the west has strayed far from God's word. It is also pretty easy to see a culture in free-fall, going headlong down to disaster but unable to change course.
But there are also signs that a few are aware and...
Hello raviweena, and a great big welcome to CC. I am just beginning to understand John 14:15. What a great verse!
When you find a topic that interests you jump right in, we are all still learning the depth of our saviors love.
Hello Pineapples, an especially warm welcome from the Fallen Short Club. CC is a great place to meet and talk to others who are all on the same road.
You are in my prayers.
God has spoken to me in dreams, but it was never anything like that! In my limited experience, when God speaks, in dreams or otherwise, you will have absolutely no doubt. If you doubt, it ain't!
Now, some serious discussion for a change! If you consider closet allocation, garage proportions, and at least half of my "Man-Cave" cluttered with her furniture and cloths, our house would be 5% He and 95% Her.
(Great Post)!
Staying at home and meditating about God's word is profitable and beautiful as can be church attendance (I do attend-sometimes). However, it cannot be the fulfillment of your faith or of your responsibilities to Yeshua. We have to walk.