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  1. L


    Hell and eternal punishment are the result when the Lord permanantly seperates Himself from the ungodly. The ungodly will then be in total darkness as to how to proceed (Isaiah 60:2). In contrast the godly will then receive a blessing of greater illumination (Isaiah 60:1). The book of Enoch...
  2. L

    Should we stand with Israel?

    Who and when do you think the verse below refers to? Micah 2:2 And they covet fields, and take them by violence; and houses, and take them away: so they oppress a man and his house, even a man and his heritage.
  3. L


    Revelation 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie. Revelation 22:15 indicates individuals in corporal bodies. My perspective is that when the Lord comes like a thief in the night, He separates His...
  4. L

    The End of a Nation

    It's the love for the material things money buys that causes all the chaos seen in the world today. And it is only going to get a lot worse according to Revelation 9:20-21. Revelation 9:20 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their...
  5. L

    The End of a Nation

    I did go to the Word as I posted numerous scriptures supporting my interpretation/dividing the Word. Where do you come off insinuating that I am wrong in my interpretation/dividing the Word, when you do not post any scriptures?
  6. L

    The End of a Nation

    I guess it's a matter of interpretation. I also do not see a general revival among the so called masses of two billion Christians, as scriptures clearly testify that there will first come a falling away from the faith. This falling away is what I see represented in the Lord once again shaking...
  7. L

    The End of a Nation

    Hello dcontroversal, You have to put all the pieces of the puzzle (the Word) together to get a clear picture. The first time the Lord gathers all nations is against faithless and unjust Israel (see Daniel 11). After the abomination of desolation destroys Israel (and other Middle Eastern...
  8. L

    The End of a Nation

    Daniel 11:32 describes they who know the Lord doing great things during the reign of the beast and Antichrist (Daniel 11:31-37). This is the great revival before Christ comes, which arrives at the conclusion of the beasts 42 months. Daniel 11:32 And such as do wickedly against the covenant...
  9. L

    The End of a Nation

    One is slave to whatever overcomes them, whether money, sex, cars, clothing fashion, etc.; or whether it is spiritual as in love, justice, truth, humility, etc. 2 Peter 2:19 While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the...
  10. L

    Caravan coming to US

    If not for the laborers from Mexico and Central America, you and I would be paying a lot more for our fruits and vegetables. Few Americans want that kind of work.
  11. L

    The Gospels

    The gospels were and are meant for all believers, who are counted as Abraham's true children of faith. The gospels have no beneficial relevance to they who do not believe in them, whether Jew or Gentile. Romans 4:16 Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise...
  12. L

    The End of a Nation

    I think the U.S. who is part of the G-7 represents one of the seven heads of the beast. It isn't until one of these heads (the he-goat) in Daniel 8 secedes into four kingdoms (four horns), when the seven headed beast will then comprise the ten horns in Revelation 13. Currently only seven horns...
  13. L


    Yes, I can agree that there is a time and place for God's love for the afflicted, and a later time for God's wrath against the enemy.
  14. L

    Caravan coming to US

    Not only does Europe have about twice the population, but they've also allowed many more times the amount of refugees in than has the U.S. It's just playing politics, so that Trump can have a big following, for such an insignificant issue.
  15. L

    Caravan coming to US

    The Lord allows the devil as ruler of this world, due to man in the garden choosing to believe the devil rather than God.
  16. L


    Yes, Jesus cast out demons because of His love for the individual. Your insinuating that I was claiming otherwise is your own construct. Your insinuating that I am claiming one scripture above another scripture is another of your constructs. Scriptures are to corroborate other scriptures, and...
  17. L


    The two greatest commandments on which hinge all the other commandments are to love God and your neighbor (Matthew 22:36-40).This is spiritual warfare against the devil. There will be many who will have cast out demons to whom the Lord (love) will declare that He (love) never knew them (Matthew...
  18. L

    Without me, you can do nothing. Such as.

    As the apostles and many other Christian believers in the first century, did many of the works/miracles the Lord did, I then believe these represent but a few of the things the Lord meant by being unable to do anything productive, other than through Him. However, are not singularly minded as...
  19. L

    Before the beginning of time...

    I believe the Lord allows His Holy Spirit to rest on most, if not all world leaders, as these individuals represent the primary shepherds of the people they rule over. Saul would have had the choice to continue with the illumination the Lords Holy Spirit provided him, but Saul chose to go a...
  20. L

    Caravan coming to US

    The devil is the ruler of this world, but with the Lord's OK as to who will rule. The Lord allows certain individual's whom He deems appropriate to rule over different peoples at different times. The Lord allowed Nebuchadnezzar and the Chaldeans to conquer unjust Israel, and other unjust Middle...