According to you, the One who grants and maintains salvation actually doesn’t maintain salvation if it’s the believer that maintains his/her salvation. SMH
So in other words you’re afraid to answer my question. That’s good to know. You stick with your works kid, I’ll stick with the saving grace of Jesus Christ through faith in Him.
I’ll type slowly so you can keep up. I don’t care what osas says. I only care what Jesus Christ says. If osas lines up with Jesus then that’s all well and good.
Oh gee, look what chimed in. Another self proclaimed pseudo intellectual who doesn’t know the first thing about the fullness and irrevocability of God’s grace.
How much work and fruit is enough? What if YOU turn out to be one work or one fruit shy of just enough? Would you adamantly voice your displeasure to God and proclaim your faith in Him?
Time after time after time you deny one has to maintain their salvation, yet here you admit your belief that one must indeed maintain their salvation. Thanks for playing.
I used to ride that emotional, insecure wave, then one day I read John 14 and my eyes and heart were opened to the glorious Truth of God’s love, peace and security.