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  1. J

    The Prodigal Son examined

    Yes one meaning. God loves us even when we wander away from Him and become lost. The lost must repent and be reconciled to their loving Father. JLB
  2. J

    The Prodigal Son examined

    Not even close. You are trying to create a narrative that doesn’t exist. The sheep who wandered away and became lost was one of His sheep. How can someone lose something that was not theirs in the first place. The 100 sheep belong to the shepherd. These were justified ones. Then...
  3. J

    Not By Works

    So by the same reasoning we can say those who believe... for a while were saved the moment they believe. Then later when persecution came, they no longer believed, are therefore were no longer saved. End of story. Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and...
  4. J

    The Prodigal Son examined

    If a person is dead to God, they must repent or remain in that state.
  5. J

    The Prodigal Son examined

    Yes. I don’t believe we need to get born again, again. However we can become lost and need to repent, or face an eternity in hell. JPT
  6. J

    The Prodigal Son examined

    A. His disciples. Also, when the tax collector’s and sinners drew near it caught the attention of the Pharisee’s who complain, so Jesus spoke in parables. So Jesus was speaking to His disciples, sinners and tax collectors and the Pharisee’s and scribes. D. That God loves sinners and welcomes...
  7. J

    The Prodigal Son examined

    Yes. Unreconciled. With is the definition of a sinner. Those who were once justified and wander away from Him, have become unreconciled; sinners in need of repentance, or be lost forever. JPT
  8. J

    The Prodigal Son examined

    Can you define the word lost? JPT
  9. J

    Not By Works

    Another reason would be that Cain himself, was not right with God. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not respect Cain and his offering Abel also brought of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. And the Lord respected Abel and his offering, but He did not...
  10. J

    Not By Works

    No most just insult and attack those who promote the truth. It’s not in their best interest, to answer. Be blessed. JPT
  11. J

    Not By Works

    So someone who hears his Voice and follows Him for three years as a disciple, then is promoted to an Apostle, then empowered and sent out to preach the Gospel to the lost, raise the dead, heal the sick and cast out devils, was never saved? What must a person then do to be saved? JLB
  12. J

    Not By Works

    So is a person who believes for a while, then no longer believes, saved for a while? JLB
  13. J

    Not By Works

    Is a person saved the moment they believe, or is there more they must do? JLB
  14. J

    Not By Works

    No doubt.
  15. J

    Not By Works

    Yes I agree. However faith without the action of obedience is dead, and can not save, or heal, or produce the intended divine result given by God. JPT
  16. J

    Not By Works

    Try submitting yourself to the Lord to obey Him and His doctrine without twisting and redefining His word. JPT
  17. J

    Not By Works

    Faith only works through obedience. Faith all by itself is dead and can not save. JLB
  18. J

    Not By Works

    Another ad hominem. Please discuss the scripture not what you are trying make up about what I believe. Like I said, Bible dictionary’s are a good place to start. However, when we have a biblical word or term defined in the scripture by its context, then we need to apply it to our...
  19. J

    Not By Works

    Sorry bro, When the scriptures define for us a word in its context, that is superior to a man made definition. Example: Faith - Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 Faith according to the Strongs. - The KJV translates Strong's...
  20. J

    Not By Works

    Obviously not. ;) JLB