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  1. JohnDB

    Queer Trend for Harley Davidson

    That looks more like a golf cart than an ATV. Not saying that it doesn't work for you at hauling stuff....but the wheel width and suspension doesn't look like it will withstand or travel very rough terrain.
  2. JohnDB

    A critical look at Harris

    She came in woefully behind in ALL the polls today. With undecided voters not being in sufficient numbers to make a difference even if she got them all. Her platform is not relevant anymore....interviews are not relevant. She has an upcoming debate with Trump that will bury her because...
  3. JohnDB

    Queer Trend for Harley Davidson

    Sturgis is going to be very different. If it happens at all.
  4. JohnDB

    Is Donald J. Trump Saved?

    No... I meant immanent. Meaning God is living and active in the lives of mankind. You can have a personal relationship with God. God is not distant and unconcerned.
  5. JohnDB

    can you guys post something funny please?

    I think I'm broken.... I've been researching and reading to see of stuff for a book my wife and I are writing.... But I come on here to take breaks.
  6. JohnDB

    Is Donald J. Trump Saved?

    I had some time to think about this for a minute...(and Trump's publicly declared relationship with God) The internet is simply a tool. Like a gun, a drill, a shovel, an axe. It's not the internet driving people to more wickedness its mankind's desires and they are simply using EVERY tool at...
  7. JohnDB

    pray for my sister breyonna

    Time for a visit to a mental health professional for some new medication.
  8. JohnDB

    Does anyone know of....

    Just to add a point of theology here and not really disagreeing with this. This is better said as: No one is good enough and in fact they have broken the Law....that's why we need Jesus. Even following the Law perfectly is insufficient. You have to be good enough....AKA holy, holy, holy.
  9. JohnDB

    Rename the News Forum, the "politics forum"

    Gotta remember that if they Killed Jesus for "disinformation" and Fake news when he was doing bona fide much easier it is for them to disappear the likes of you and I? And contrary to popular opinion....Jesus was one of the least successful messiahs running about in Israel in...
  10. JohnDB

    Wife's past

    This is a backwards look at things and focusing on it is only going to make things worse. The problem isn't so much as to who your wife was as it is who she is now and her relationship with you. (Marriage counseling is a clue something is wrong somewhere and it is usually both parties with...
  11. JohnDB

    Is Donald J. Trump Saved?

    And I wish you were correct.... However there's a problem. Social media. Social media is the cause of emotional callousness and exhaustion. And everyone seems addicted to it. In 30 minutes how many stories, videos, and memes can you ingest? Each one illiciting a different emotional...
  12. JohnDB


    Proverbs 22 absolutely does not mention those "middle years" between childhood training and mature age. Those years are a disaster usually.
  13. JohnDB

    Does anyone know of....

    But we are using the English language which was not used in Biblical literature. Meaning that the metaphorical languages of Hebrew and Aramaic or the idiomatic languages of Greek or Early Latin do not have an English equivalency. Not in sentence structure, syntaxes, or definition. So...
  14. JohnDB

    Is Donald J. Trump Saved?

    Our population decline numbers while increasing moral turpitude is what will destroy us. Where regulated border security is essential for every nation to actually have a future....immigration alleviates some of our live birth problem. But the moral decay has always guaranteed the destruction...
  15. JohnDB

    Is Donald J. Trump Saved?

    Here's what I do know for a fact.... God sets up leaders or deposes them. It's not ourselves that do it. As much as you may like or not like it Joe Biden was installed as President by God for His purposes.... Same thing goes for Trump. The entirety of God's plans are not revealed to...
  16. JohnDB

    Does anyone know of....

    Ummmm Hate to break it to you but you are using personalized definitions of words that nobody else does. Effective communication requires that you use the same definitions everyone else does or at a minimum you define the terms so that others can understand what you are saying.
  17. JohnDB

    Is Donald J. Trump Saved?

    From what I've seen and heard... Trump does not believe that God is immanent....or more plainly stated that God is active and seeks personal relationships with His Creation. Hence he surmised there is no need of repentance or forgiveness. However Trump's view of God is not as pertinent as...
  18. JohnDB

    Question about Communion

    Commune doesn't mean solely to just communicate. More along lines of "fellowship" or "tabernacling" (not a real word but created for purposes of this discussion) Once upon a time families would have "picnic" style parties at the Tabernacle and later the Temple. (Part of the Law) and in this...