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  1. mustaphadrink

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    I did not say it was lost. I said it was a lost cause. That is two different things. Lost Cause = Something that has no or a very low chance of succeeding or turning out well Lost = no longer possessed or retained
  2. mustaphadrink

    Why do Jesus alllow this?

    Thank you for your reply but it does not answer the question I asked and between you, me and the gatepost, you are very arrogant in what you say so maybe you need to do a study on grace. .
  3. mustaphadrink

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    Yes I have already worked out that anyone who disagrees with you is deceived. And you have made it clear that you are an expert on everything so we must sit at your feet and learn to undo everything that we though was God but in actual fact was the devil leading us up the garden path. I must go...
  4. mustaphadrink

    A Divided Church?

    Funny how people who have such a high and mighty opinion of themselves usually fall back on such bland claims as "My concern is always with the truth of God" as though everyone else has no concern for the truth. And claims like the truth tht comes from scripture and not from any man and then...
  5. mustaphadrink

    A Divided Church?

    And who set you up as judge and jury apart from yourself? Once again you are dancing all over the place making pronouncements about this and that as thou8gh we the great unwashed have no idea what we are talking about. Thank you for letting us know that you despise learning outside of...
  6. mustaphadrink

    Why do Jesus alllow this?

    For me, I assume that a person is telling the truth unless it is proved otherwise as I am not into calling Christian liars. The story does not surprise me one little bit, because one of my correspondents in Africa sent me a story of a 43 y.o. old muslim who snatched a 12 y.o Christian girl and...
  7. mustaphadrink

    The 10 Commandments

    We can make the scripture say whatever we want it to say if we ignore the context of a particular scripture. For example, Jesus said at the last supper "do this in remembrance of me." Now for most of Christendom, that means Jesus was saying to take a sip of wine and a piece of bread every week...
  8. mustaphadrink

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    You have shot yourself in the foot in what you have said as you have contradicted yourself. One. So we are to pray for Biden because Trump left a sh++t load of a mess? I always thought that we had to pray for leaders regardless of what other leaders have or have not done. Two. So bringing the...
  9. mustaphadrink

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    In addition, the nation of Jordan is the true home of the Palestinian people because they are Hashemites and when the Jews took back their homeland, the Jordanian king said he would repatriate any Palestinian that lost their homes. When push came to shove in 1948, he closed the borders and...
  10. mustaphadrink

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    Enough to drive you quackers isn't it.
  11. mustaphadrink

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    As is your penchant CS1 you have to disagree with others on principle. When I decipher what you have said in essence it is your experience of God is not valid unless it is the same as mine. Having been a follower of Jesus for 66 years and seen and been involved in the supernatural that has...
  12. mustaphadrink

    A Divided Church?

    I have difficulty with your response as you do not seem to have anything from scripture to back up what you claim. All you seem to be doing is making a few claims that reflect modern-day Christianity and jumping from one topic to another which are unrelated. Have you done any study at a Ph.D...
  13. mustaphadrink

    Why do Jesus alllow this?

    Thankyou for your reply but it doesn't answer the question I asked.
  14. mustaphadrink

    The Pope Condones Same Sex Marriage

    In your haste to put me right, you have missed the point. I have not made any comment on the rightness or wrongness of either same-sex marriage or same-sex civil unions. I was pointing out a mistake that people said the pope was talking about same-sex marriage which he wasn't. That is different...
  15. mustaphadrink

    Why do Jesus alllow this?

    What I want to know is if we serve the same God why does "our" God tells Muslims to kill christians and why they have to convert Christians to Islam?
  16. mustaphadrink

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    That is one way of doing it lenna but I choose a better way and that is the leading of the Spirit. If something sounds right and I get the OK from the Spirit then I will run with it. If something doesn't sound right and I don't get the OK from the Spirit then I don't run with it. That way I am...
  17. mustaphadrink

    A Divided Church?

    Sorry, that is a colloquialism that we use in the UK and which I brought to Australia with me. It means to get rid of it.
  18. mustaphadrink

    Why do Jesus alllow this?

    Sexual what?
  19. mustaphadrink

    Congratulation to President elect Joe Biden

    NO, I won't suffer physically because I am already born. But for the unborn, the future is not good as he intends to open the doors to the wholesale slaughter of the innocent bubs in the womb. So for me......AMERICA + BIDEN = DEATH TO BABIES