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  1. star

    The End of a Nation

    And suffering we will. Losing the Republic will be a blight upon every man, woman, child
  2. star

    Unholy and Unclean Alliance's of Democratic Party

    There is no longer a Democrat Party. There is a Socialistic party which BHO perpetuated
  3. star

    Unholy and Unclean Alliance's of Democratic Party

    Your party hasn't been playing nice for some time now. As for getting to the bottom of "everything" please begin with the corruption and crazies within your own ranks. Now that is a cup of tea I can drink. JFK would be utterly ashamed
  4. star

    The End of a Nation

    The end of this nation will be caused by turning away from God and His mercy and grace He has extended towards us since the beginning. We are fortunate He has spared us this long.
  5. star

    Unholy and Unclean Alliance's of Democratic Party

    My take on the current Democratic party and its leadership. Gone are the days of one of this nation's best president. JFK is rolling over in his grave at what his party has turned into. They no longer have a platform but are so filled with hate, vitriol, slanderous rhetoric and have become so...
  6. star

    Not By Works

    I'm grateful to be saved without having to bear the law to get there.
  7. star

    Not By Works

    That inability to comprehend sadly is on this site/thread/posts. Yes, it is sad
  8. star

    Not By Works

    In my devotion this morning, I ran across this: God does not want us to be so engrossed with our works that we forget our focus should be on Him. We know our works can fail but our focus on God will not." Just saying!
  9. star

    Not By Works

    I understand your position and your post. The fault of my deep cynicism lies within my own heart. I struggle with it. This church my husband has been a lifelong member of all his life and I became a member of is a huge church. Being raised in a small country church I really don't see how any...
  10. star

    Not By Works

    I'm going to interject my cynicism here about seminaries, some churches, some denominations, etc. 7 years ago, my husband lost his one and only daughter (no need to go into details) and not one of the 3 pastors from our church showed up on our doorsteps. We did have some Christians friends who...
  11. star

    Not By Works

    Romans 3:10 King James Version (KJV) 10 As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one: What is so hard to understand about this verse? Works will not get us into heaven. Are we to do good works? Yes. Why? Because we are to serve the Lord and be His vessel on earth.
  12. star

    The End of a Nation

    Capitalism is the best way no matter what. The world has shown us how socialism, Marxism, communism have failed.
  13. star

    The End of a Nation

    The USA is the last true light to shine in the darkness IMHO. That light has become dimmer and dimmer. We probably are living in the last days before God's final judgment but I believe as long as we are a nation, we must cling to the fact of God's mercies.
  14. star

    The End of a Nation

    As I just told DC, I believe all of this and I know America has brought about its own judgment but the hopeful side of me is also believing in God's Mercy. We will have only our own sinful selves to blame.
  15. star

    The End of a Nation

    I believe all of the above. I guess I'm still optimistic, however, that God in His Mercy is not quite ready to dim the light of America. I believe in His Judgment and I believe in His Mercy. As for looking up that word, I will do so.
  16. star

    The End of a Nation

    I have to disagree that it is too late for America. God's Word tells us there is always hope. It also tells us to pray without ceasing. It also tells us if we believe, we will receive.
  17. star

    The End of a Nation

    That is a socialist statement if I ever heard one.
  18. star

    What makes a raciest?

    Living a carnal life is one thing. I submit that we Christians need to be concentrating on our hearts and not on every single thing we may think or say. There are many things we could do which one could accuse us of living a carnal life but God looks at our hearts and knows that we are but "dust."
  19. star

    The End of a Nation

    I will even go so far as to submit that God may be testing this nation, which is killing unborn children daily, by allowing such evil to infiltrate our government
  20. star

    What makes a raciest?

    I have to disagree to a point. There are Christians who have used racist terms. Doesn't mean out of fellowship with God and living a carnal life