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  1. Didymous

    What's the song currently going through your head?

    "Roy's Bluez," by Roy Buchanan.
  2. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    If you were talking to me, i'm doing well, and hope you are, too. I didn't mean to be rude.
  3. Didymous

    What's a Missionary?

    When I have time, i'll go through Revelation with them, and show them why their beliefs are wrong. I've had two senior members run screaming from the house. I have to admit it was entertaining-though that wasn't my intent. :cool:
  4. Didymous

    Must See

    How did this turn in politics? And no one cares whether you want them there-that's why they move to other areas.
  5. Didymous

    Must See

    Also, if you like balloon festivals, there's one every year, I think.
  6. Didymous

    What's a Missionary?

    I haven't seen any LDS missionaries for some time, but I see JWs twice every year.
  7. Didymous

    What's a Missionary?

    Apparently, cult missionaries outnumber Christian missionaries.
  8. Didymous

    Hello Guys

    Hello, Rosellalove, and welcome! I think I welcomed you somewhere else.
  9. Didymous


    Hello, Kassi, and welcome!
  10. Didymous

    A prayer warrior looking to pray for you :)

    Thank you, Sunlight! I'm praying for you, as well.
  11. Didymous

    Tell me something interesting ....

    A group of Christian women chose a strip club as their ministry-progressing from a gift basket, to a prayer box, to a prayer meeting(in the strip club!). The sad thing was one of the strippers told the women that some local churches sent the strip club hate mail.
  12. Didymous

    What Pentecostal denomination does NOT believe in the initial evidence doctrine?

    This isn't true. .Jesus does the baptizing, and doesn't need any help.
  13. Didymous

    New here

    Hello, Rehaboth, and welcome!
  14. Didymous

    Need of friends

    Hello Meena, and welcome!
  15. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    Hello, Rosellalove, and welcome!
  16. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    Black t-shirt, blue jeans, Danner boots. Same question.
  17. Didymous

    A prayer warrior looking to pray for you :)

    I commiserate with you on this. My double ex divorced me twice, and I could do nothing to prevent it. The last one i'm in now I initiated, because my unbelieving wife abandoned me.
  18. Didymous

    Movies You'll Watch Over and Over

    August Rush.
  19. Didymous

    Ask the user below you a question

    Reading the bible, praying, and playing guitar & singing. What's your favorite bread?
  20. Didymous

    Do you believe the Holy Spirit was active in Old Testament times?

    Yes, it most certainly was. I tend to think it mainly touched people externally, but I know that a few people were filled with the Spirit(Saul comes to mind).