When I have time, i'll go through Revelation with them, and show them why their beliefs are wrong. I've had two senior members run screaming from the house. I have to admit it was entertaining-though that wasn't my intent. :cool:
A group of Christian women chose a strip club as their ministry-progressing from a gift basket, to a prayer box, to a prayer meeting(in the strip club!).
The sad thing was one of the strippers told the women that some local churches sent the strip club hate mail.
I commiserate with you on this. My double ex divorced me twice, and I could do nothing to prevent it. The last one i'm in now I initiated, because my unbelieving wife abandoned me.
Yes, it most certainly was. I tend to think it mainly touched people externally, but I know that a few people were filled with the Spirit(Saul comes to mind).