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  1. homwardbound

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    That happened to me in religion. I went to a place of earth worship, and got put under Law. I got the thought(s) I better stop this and that. So I became a worker =, over a believer. I remained a believer, yet work(s) were leading me to not do. What did I do, read Romans 7, yes I did and got...
  2. homwardbound

    Why I now believe that salvation can be lost.

    All have gotten called, to either believe God or not in risen Son Jesus or not, no longer under Laws or traditions, no longer worship on this mountain or that one. God came to live in us each person with love, honesty and equality, between one another, at least fro me this I see. I love it, this...
  3. homwardbound

    What? is it true God took away sin on that cross or not?

    Forgiveness is received at repentance (a change of mind set), Belief to God, who by Son took care of sin (all the nasty nines and dirty dozen) on that cross in his one time shed blood, once for all (Hebrews 10:10) Forgiveness, reconciliation got done at that cross. Now, Son is risen from the...
  4. homwardbound

    Loss of salvation???

    Okay, I spare you a rib, thanks
  5. homwardbound

    Loss of salvation???

    Simply not aware of good and evil, as that serpent used to get both interested in eating from that tree, told not to eat from otherwise would die and all flesh has died one day since then. God sent Son to save us, not our flesh per say, our Souls Wow, I see Isaiah 6:1-7 again. a person of...
  6. homwardbound

    Loss of salvation???

    As woman has been ribbing man ever since. Ha ha
  7. homwardbound

    Loss of salvation???

    Okay, ‘okay, I can fathom that. However that be, God brought us all back by Son to stand in belief for us, in thanksgiving and praise, all sin taken out of the way as far as the east is from the west prophesy fulfilled Psalm 103:12, 100:4 amazing grace. There is nothing anyone can do more or...
  8. homwardbound

    Love of God to us y'all

    In God fear becomes F alse E vidence A ppearing R eal and we use it humbly thanking God for us all
  9. homwardbound

    Loss of salvation???

    truth The Reconciliation Under The Heavens to me I see this, Father saw our unbelief and error(s). God required perfection. no one could do it. Seeing that throughout the First Testament. Son Jesus, not known then said to Father, I see you have to choose, and you wish desire for no one to...
  10. homwardbound

    Loss of salvation???

    Therefore, are you saying Adam never ate also. To eat also, is being deceived also. I understand what that scripture states Yes, Eve sinned first, yes deceived first. Adam as context reveals was not deceived first. It does not say he was not in doubt after she ate. He was and then ate. he was...
  11. homwardbound

    What? is it true God took away sin on that cross or not?

    ‘thank you, there are so many misunderstandings. People under Law, trying to do Law, one day will come to the end of their own flesh first born nature, seeing they can’t do it perfect either. Just as the first chosen could not enter< because of unbelief. I see they wanted to enter, tried to...
  12. homwardbound

    Loss of salvation???

    Woe, I see we all are going to get along in God’s love and mercy, allowing each person to share what each sees, in the present understanding we are in. Thanks Hebrews 5:12 through Chapter 6 is so wide, high and deep, trusting God to permit us each to start growing up, grown up, and not act like...
  13. homwardbound

    What? is it true God took away sin on that cross or not?

    Absloute truth, so continue and it will be revealed from God to each child personally, as has gotten done through Son for us all on that cross, new life in the risen Christ, death had to happen first in order to be reconciled as forgiven, before any new life could be given. Explained in acts to...
  14. homwardbound

    What? is it true God took away sin on that cross or not?

    God will not come back in Son to die all over again, for anymore forgiveness. That is done for us to appreciate, not ever take advantage of ever. Yes to those that work iniquity for their self gain. They not born again. They work iniquity, getting people to continue in sin, by trying not to sin...
  15. homwardbound

    John 16:32-33 Amplified Bible

    Amen a million times over and over again, psalm 100:4, 103:12
  16. homwardbound

    What? is it true God took away sin on that cross or not?

    I now forgive all, because I am now forgiven by God through Son's done work I now, love not to get loved as flesh nature does, I love because I am loved, past tense from the cross of Son that Jesus is risen for us the sons of God to do now willingly Willingly forgive, willingly love, willingly...
  17. homwardbound

    What? is it true God took away sin on that cross or not?

    1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding...
  18. homwardbound

    What? is it true God took away sin on that cross or not?

    Thank you, as we each in belief come to see deeper, wider and higher over not ever giving up on this love and mercy given us by Son. Amazing to me after a lifetime of wrongs done, that got me caught up under Law and stressed me out, and now see differently, beyond that in thanksgiving and praise...
  19. homwardbound

    Love of God to us y'all

    1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding...
  20. homwardbound

    John 16:32-33 Amplified Bible

    1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love [dread does not exist]. But perfect (complete, full-grown) love drives out fear, because fear involves [the expectation of divine] punishment, so the one who is afraid [of God’s judgment] is not perfected in love [has not grown into a sufficient understanding...